View Full Version : What is the worst that can happen really?

10-09-10, 14:02
I've just been thinking about this and in my mind the worst things I "Think" that can happen with harsh anxiety is:

Ending up in a mental home
Having a heart attack
Suicide/Losing the will to live
Becoming so scared you never want to open your eyes

Now I'm pretty sure most of those won't and can't happen or can they?

What is the most realistic scenario for the worst that can happen?

Crying? Laying in bed? Feeling ill...?

paula lynne
10-09-10, 14:07
Hiya...you wont end up in a mental home, you are no more likely to have a heart attack as a person without anxiety and panic, your brain is a powerful dangerous thing, once the anxiety trigger is down its very hard to switch off. Ypu are not going to die of anxiety, even though it feels like it. The things you feel are real, powerful, frightening, but wont harm you. x:blush:

Hazel B
10-09-10, 14:14
Please , please , please make that appointment with your doctor - see my post under a different heading. Your mind is in overload.
Another outcome is that you are brave, ask for help and start to recover, have you thought of that one?
I am talking from experience and I do understand, you are not going mad, you just need to break the anxiety cycle in the best way agreed with your GP.

10-09-10, 14:20
you are not going mad, you just need to break the anxiety cycle in the best way agreed with your GP.

Breaking the cycle is difficult but not impossible and the appointment with your GP is the first step to doing this.

10-09-10, 14:37
The thing is guys I've seen doctors, therapists and had MRI, ECG etc and they don't really know what to do with me.

My therapist even said oh you might have Paranoia which really frightened me. Only reason I'm seeing my GP again is to get onto an anti-anxiety med or I don't know how I'm going to get through this.

I've done EVERYTHING. I accept my anxiety, I accept it's all because of my illness, I accept I can get better. I've tried different methods, I'm on propranolol, I've had CBT. NOTHING IS WORKING!

10-09-10, 14:45
I tried propranalol before I started on the SSRI (citalopram) and it did nothing for me. I had different kinds of therapy, I knew full well the source of the anxiety, had medical testing done and still felt lost. I took the citalopram and for me it was the thing that helped. I tried therapy alongside it but, since it looks like I need to re-start it (citalopram) again that it wasn't sufficient for me.

Things that work for some people wont for others and your doctors should be happy to try another med with you if this one isn't doing the trick. There are plenty of options out there to help with this, it's just not always easy finding the one which suits.

10-09-10, 16:21
Oh I look forward to finding my solution and get back to being a full-time ME again :)

Hazel B
10-09-10, 17:16
I am sure you will find the real you again, it just needs a bit of time. As JF has said, sometimes you need to try more than one thing.
Don't give up.

10-09-10, 19:02
Hey Honey,
I like you have accepted my anxiety and fully embraced it and like you i still have it and im starting to understand its probably something i am always going to have so instead of accepting it i have started ignoring it, if i feel like im going to have a panic attack i busy myself with something, if i feel im having a heart attack i go and run up the stairs or take the dog for a walk. I use the adrenalin it causes an no it doesnt always go away but i just ignore it. Im not going to die from anxiety im going to enjoy my life to the full as we never know whats round the next corner and if my anxiety wants to come along for the ride then so be it but its not going to get in the way!
Some days are harder than others but after suffering for so very long i refuse to suffer anymore.
Ive been on meds in the past and they havent worked im starting CBT soon, ive also seen a psychiatrist and a therapist lol :)

Anyway my rambling on probably hasnt helped much lol


10-09-10, 19:20
wow clairalou what an awsome attitude well done :yesyes: