View Full Version : Abnormal smear and blood test results, sooo scared now!

10-09-10, 14:09
Well smear test results came back today. The test shows changes which may be precancerous, have to go back in 6 months for another one! Cant really believe its abnormal, lets just say cervical cancer must be down to other things as well as HPV, cos only had sex for the first time 4 months ago (im 26)!! Plus I dont have risk factors associated with cervical cancer either i.e. theres nothing wrong with my immune system, dont smoke, no family history etc. Cant believe my bad luck when im so terrified of medical stuff and it was so unbelievably traumatic to have the test in the first place that I was shaking and crying, dont know a single person whos ever had an abnormal result. Infact the nurse and doc even said you dont really need one as were so unlikely to find anything and the nurse actually said since I was so scared and so unlikely to have anything wrong I could put it foff for a bit!

Ive basically had abnormal periods since started them at 11 which posted a while ago about. By irregular I mean they differ in how far apart they are each time (shortest gap was about 4 days and longest 7 weeks), how heavy they are each time (from traces of blood in discharge to fairly heavy), to how long they last (from 5 to 12 days). If anything though theu are much too frequent and long as oppose to being very far apart. I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between the bleeding being frequent periods or spotting really they are so irregular which was one of things that really got me worried. I've never been on the pill or any other kind of hormonal birth control. I ve also ahd pain each time have sex but dont know if this is down to sex being fairly new thing to me or not.

My doc did blood tests and an internal exam, she said she noticed I was very red internally and there was alot of discharge, came back as no yeast or bacterial infection so this is still left unexplained. So she sent me for blood tests, a smear and im sceduled to have a transvaginal ultrasound. The blood test came back with alot of hormones elevated, especially testosterone, so the doc said probs PCOS, wait to see what the ultrasound shows althogh she did point out that PCOS wouldnt explain, redness, discharge or pain during sex, but just left that open which already had me worrying its something worse as she did mention some gynecological cancers (and even adrenal cancer) could show those symtoms and blood test results!!!and in the meantime my smear test results have now come back abnormal!

The smear results coupled with the abnormal blood tests and the abnormal bleeding, pain during sex, redness and disharge has me a complete wreck at the moment! just about all fit with cervical cancer....

I know changes dont mean cancer itself USUALLY but they can only say what the changes are i.e. how far along teh changes are or if they are cancer, when they do a colonoscopy and that wouldnt be until well into next year for me (as have to wait for the next smear test in feb!)! and as this was my first ever smear at 26 im thinking that the changes might be really far along (and even cancer) given the symptoms ive had. Or the cervical changes may be a result of another gynecological cancer e.g. ovarian or uterine.

Ages wait till next smear, and at least another 7-8 weeks until vaginal ultrasound to see if have PCOS or something worse, am having an extremely bad day!!!

10-09-10, 14:21
I don't have any advice Just wanted to say I hope it goes ok :bighug1:
Ive recently had abnormal bloods on 2 occasion and they are sending me to a bowel specialist its such a worrying time so can understand how you must be feeling :weep:

10-09-10, 14:53
Hi Louise,

What were the smear test results exactly? There are various grades of abnormality. I have had borderline changes twice. Borderline changes can be caused by lots of different things, many of them harmless. They can also be caused by pre-cancerous cells. I had to go for a colposcopy and guess what?...both biopsies - clear, HPV test - negative, smear test - clear, examination - clear apart from evidence of a minor virus or infection :) Borderline and minor changes are quite common - both me and my Mum have had abnormal smear tests. I also knew a girl at uni who had some abnormal smears then had to undergo some minor laser surgery...after that she was clear of abnormalities :)

I hope everything goes ok. How come you have to wait 6 months for the next smear? Usually if there are changes they give you another smear straight away to check. Maybe the changes were too minor to be of any concern? What did the Doctor say?

Moonlight X

10-09-10, 14:55
Smear test results that are abnormal can actually right themselves and thats why you dont go back for six months. Apparently thats the reason why they dont start smear testing till you are 25 as theres alot going on down there with raging hormones and changes. Not that I agree with this, you need testing as soon as you start having sex.
Hope this has been a little help to you, take care.

10-09-10, 15:00
I havent spoken to my doc, as only got smear test result through post about 2 hours ago. It just says changes have been found, and that they want to wait and see if they are still there in 6 months and proceed from there. I know this doesnt mean cancer as such, but its just in light of other symptoms that im on a knife edge at the moment.

Thx for the replies

10-09-10, 15:02
Yeah, I agree with that - raising the age to 25 wasn't a good thing in my opinion. I had my first smear when I was 19 because I had symptoms. I had only just starting having sex but it was best to get things checked out. That time my smear was completely normal and I was very greatful for the reassurance as you can imagine! So true that hormones are raging in your late teens/early 20s...I had all manner of odd symptoms around that time which have lessened or stoppped as I've got older.

10-09-10, 15:04
I would see what the Doctor says. I think if the changes were significant they would have scheduled you an appoitnment for a repeat smear or a colposcopy before 6 months! I had the two abnormals in a row and then got sent to the hospital pretty quick!

10-09-10, 15:08
It doesnt say my doc will be in touch and I know shes on hol right now as rang the practice and they said they would see if I could speak to anyone else over the phone but might have to wait a week and a half till my doc gets back!

10-09-10, 15:14
My sister in law had the middle grade changes I believe, they performed some form of treatment on her (sorry cant remember), and she's just had another 6 monthly check and all is well again. Apparently these "changes" are very very common and as mentioned above, do right themselves over the months.

10-09-10, 16:14
Aw Lousie

Dont worry luv, this is really really common. I had this in 2000 and had a colposcopy . It was a tad yucky but really no big deal and my smears have been totally normal since. i was 24 then.

Five of my friends have had this done as have a lady i work with who is fifty something.

They explained to me when i went to get it done that the cell changes are so far from cancerous that they cannot in anyway be called cancer. Its just that the technology and medicine has progresses so far in this feild that the changes are picked up and in alot of cases they were never going to change further and grow into cancer anyway but they sort it out just to be extra extra super safe!!

Try to out this right out of your head hun....this is okay and is preventing you ever getting cancer. The changes happen in all cells and thats normal they just sort it out incase. Its not a sign of you being ill dear. Ilness associated with devleoping cervial cancer are associated with the actual cancer, not the cell changes which happen for loads of reasons


10-09-10, 16:37
So sorry you are having such a worrying time. The changes on your smear must be classed as borderline or mild - guidelines state that you get a repeat smear in 6 months time for these. If the changes were classed as moderate or severe then they would have you in for a colposcopy now. Borderline and mild changes do often right themselves, so that's why they don't investigate immediately.
I had moderate changes on a smear 3 years ago and was completely terrified. I was 33 then, and had always had normal smears before, so it really freaked me out. Weirdly, this was one part of my health I'd never had HA about before, and I hadn't even considered the possibility. I had a colposcopy and laser excision treatment to take the affected cells away, and now have yearly smears. It wasn't very nice, but it's reassuring to be checked regularly. If you are very worried, you could always ask your doctor to refer you for colposcopy now, rather than wait 6 months. It's actually really really common to have mild changes - and since I had my abnormal smear lots of other people have told me they have had similar treatment.

10-09-10, 20:04
Coul changes to cells on the cervix possibly indicate a cancer elsewhere e.g. vaginal, ovarian or uterine cancer?

Also, it seems that all the smear test can show is changes to cells, and that its unlikely to be cancer but does that therefore mean that the small changes could be an early cancer i.e. the test doesnt classify what the changes are just that there are changes :-s

10-09-10, 20:15
I believe that the problem can rectify itself over time. If it were anything serious they would have you in asap rather than waiting 6 months.
If they come back abnormal again they do a procedure to destroy the cells that are abnormal. My cousin and a close friend both had that done and that was the end of it.
you'll be ok! Cancer although scary if very treatable if caught early and this is about as early as you can get.
Keep your chin up and try not to worry excessivly.

10-09-10, 20:21
Thx for the reply. The more ppl tell me not to worry it does help a bit. This whole thing has got me worried that since im so young and showing changes I may be someone prone to cancer in my DNA for some reason, and im now wondering what could be going on elsewhere as well.... I mean I know the stat is that 1 in 10 women will have an abnormal smear at some point, but if I already have one now with my first ever smear, im scared the changes are very aggressive and just itching to change to cancer. Didnt jade goody have the abnormal cells burnt off 3 times (I know the last time she had abnormal cells she didnt get them removed), the first time before she was even sexually active so it was obviously quite persistant in wanting to turn to cancer. My changes probs arent related to HPV given I only had sex for first time 4 months ago and each time has been with a condom, so im worried as well since im so youbng its going to be so aggressive and recurrrent cancer is almost fighting to form :-(

13-09-10, 10:37
Have been reading about vaginal cancer and apparently changes in the cervix can actually suggest vaginal changes too, im just woried about this given two doctors and the nurse mentioning how red areas were internally and commenting on discharge (both of which can mean changes in vaginal wall cells!).

Plus im still continuing to bleed after sex! :-( I know that the cervical smear chnages dont necessarilymean cancer but something is causing the redness, discharge, pain during sex and bleeding afterwards, as well as the weird peiods (which may or may not be spotting!). My docs seem fixated on my age for explaining it will be nothing, but women in their 20s can get all manner of gynecological cancer even if not common. I just keep seeing stats about how bad the UK is at diagnosing gynecological cancers until its too late. They were concerned about the redness, discharge and pain and bleeding related to intercourse until infections and thrush were ruled out, once the easily treatable things are ruled out they turn to the other fav of maybe thats how you are!!!

Every website and prog is full of dont ignore symptoms like unusual periods, pain and bleeding during sex, redness and discharge but even when all together plus abnormal blood test and abnormal smear theyre still being blase....

Only course of action is have the transvaginal ultrasound which my doc is saying is to confirm PCOS (how about rule out ovarian and uterine cancer) and they'l see me in 6 months for a repeat smear, but with all the symptoms plus test results feel they should be more concerned. Even if they do find PCOS, then this doesnt explain redness, discharge and pain and bleeding related to sex....

Feel so powerless here... my doc says you're anxious and I think would try and label me with an enxiety disorder if push it too much, so dont know what to do. I do get bloody anxious when there are real symptoms, despite posting on here quite a bit, I actually dont go to docs much unless when really do have symptoms that warrant evaluation and friends are pushing me to go.. :-(

13-09-10, 11:10
Hi Louise,

I really feel for you :( I was so anxious when I was having my sypmtoms investigated. I don't know if it's any comfort for you to hear from someone who has been through similar problems but I hope it reassures you a bit. I was 19 when I started having problems. I had a lot of very odd spotting...sometimes the spots were large and brown and sometimes bright red and tiny or a mixture of colours...it was pretty alarming. As you know I also had discharge, irregular periods and stomach pains. When I look back on it I wonder if the spotting was to do with the fact that I'd recently lost my virginity and hormones were raging because of being in a very intense first realtionship and having very strong feelings for someone for the first time...I don't know. I was also going through severe emotional stress because of my anxiety and a nasty break up with my boyfriend :( In the end my symptoms were put down to emotional stress.

I have also always had a problem with discharge. I've learnt what's normal for me now but It was pretty worrying when I first noticed what seemed like very strange discharge! I always have a bit but it gets very thick and sometimes discoloured around the middle of my cycle. That's totally normal for me and lots of women get an increase of thick discharge around this time. Even now EVERYTIME I have a smear test the nurse will make a comment in a concerned tone along the lines of "oh...there seems to be rather a lot of discharge here"!! Yes I KNOW! hehe. It still alarms me a bit when they say that but I know that that's just the way I am. Also my Mum had the same problem. Have you asked your Mum whether she has had similar problems to you in the past? Some of these things can be hereditory.

I have also had an ovarian scan and just want to say that it's not anywhere near as scary as it sounds. The probe is quite small and they are very gentle. She'll have a good look at your uterus and ovaries and she'll talk to you and reassure you as it's happening. If you have any questions about it please feel free to send me a PM.

Moonlight Xxx

14-09-10, 19:53
Thanks Moonlight, it does help to hear ppl have had similar types of experiences that turned out positively :-)

It mkes me feel a bit better that docs/nurses have all commented on something that is normal for you thinking its abnormal. Two docs and the nurse that did my smear test all exclaimed over how red I was internally and said that I had excessive discharge, the nurse that did my smear even said, I dont know if this sample will be any good theres so much discharge, which has really freaked me out. I dont want my doc to pass if off as just me though (her fav explanation) until they've exhausted other causes of my symptoms such as vaginal, cervical, ovarian and uterine cancer. My mum said she doesnt really notice much discharge at all.... and she herslf has never had an abnormal smear, neither has my grandmother on either side. I initially went to docs just cos of the abnormla periods, and pain during sex and bleeding afterdwards so then when they picked up on more symptoms id never even realised were abnormal it scared me quite alot, as I have virtually all the symptoms of quite a few of the gyneclogical cancers now.

Despite being scared by all the symptoms I think im in so much shock my smear wasnt clear given the fact that these symptoms aside, on paper the chances of me having an abnormal result were so remote given my sexual history and age, I just cant stop thinking I must have one of the gynecological cancers for definate now and that if not cervical cancer, that the cervical cells are changing due to a gynecological cancer elsewhere.

The fact Ive had an abnormal smear at 26 also worries me quite a lot for the future, didnt jade goodys abnormal cells keep coming back!? It just seems if they're already abnormal it must be aggressive cell changes to have happened already and that theres so much time in the future for cancer to develop. Not looking forward to 6 monthly smears!

I imagine the ultrasound should be able to rule out ovarian and uterine cancer shouldnt it? (though up to an 11 week wait is such fun!). Il feel better once the ultrasound is over so can rule those two cancers out (fingers crossed, though at same time dreading it incase there is something sinister there). Will still worry about vaginal and cervical cancer though. The blood test and smear being abnormal plus all the symptoms really does seem to be suggesting I have something sinister wrong, just wish my doc would actually take my worries seriously.... reading in the paper at the weekend the UK is the worst country in th developed world at picking up on gynecological cancers because docs never believe itl actually be cancer doesnt make me a happy bunny as my doc is a textbook case of this. My doc kind of went along with me that something was wrong whilst there were nice simple explanations e.g. thrush for the rdness and discharge, but now thats ruled out shes back tracking saying its nothing and wont entertain that the symptoms even may suggest cancer!

If the ultrasound shows nothing, but im still having symptoms like bleeding after sex and the redness/discharge etc, can I ask to be referred to a gynecologist? Really hate that my doc is trying to make out im paranoid for persisting wanting an explanation for my symptoms!

14-09-10, 20:32
Louise, I can't say much to help but I do know you should be able to see a gynaecologist without a refferal - you should be able to phone up your local family planning centre and ask to see a doctor (meaning a gynaecologist) :) hope that helps, and the best of luck with everything else, keep positive :hugs:xx

Carly Lou
14-09-10, 20:33
hey Louise... I have been readint these posts for a few days now... Ok... first thing is first about jade goody, she had a abnormal smear test... and she was asked to go back, but she didnt, she didnt bother to go back to any appointments and left it for a long time ( id like to state that this will not happen to you it just happened to happen to her which is very rare but because she is/was famous we all heard about it) she had alot of abdormal smears, maybe 2 or 3. and didnt bother to go back to docs and she became very unlucky.... Now... i know alot of people that have had abnormal smears, it is quite common, and a abnormal smear does not mean cancerous, it could be a variety of things which are causing it, im 25 and i had my first smear last year, i paid for it privately as they would not give me one as i was still only 24, so if you feel you want another opinion about this you can have another one but privatley, i got my results back in less than a week, altho, redness and soreness during sex, you say you have only recently just been having sex ????? Hmmm.... that could be the cause of that... i have a alot of discharge regulary... it is ( just part of being me) i have been told... bleeding after sex can be caused by alot of things... the odds of you at your age having anything to do with C down below are so so so so so rare louise... gosh i wish i could be this calm about my self and take my own advice, remember all these people we hear of that have had C at a young age are so rare thats why we hear about them xxx im so sure everything will be fine, i really do... i think you have been unlucky and you happen to have all these symptoms at the same time, and you have been naughty googling xxx
I hope this helps, Im on facebook if im not on here so feel free to talk ok xxx
im on there as carly louise rymes as i tend to talk to peeps from here on there in the evening xxxx

14-09-10, 22:43
Hi again Louise,

I was about 26 or 27 when I had my abnormal smears. As you can imagine I was pretty scared as I'd already had problems when I was 19. It all came back clear in the end though. With the discharge thing - they have said exactly the same thing to me in the past..."there's so much discharge here I don't know if the sample will be any good"! Also I tend to bleed quite a lot when they take the smear and that's been mentioned to me before too. My lovely Doc from home was a little more tactful when she did my pelvic examination when I was 19...she said "oh there's a lovely bit of discharge here!" hehe! Hon, people's bodies do wierd things sometimes, it doesnt necessarily mean there is anything seriously wrong.

Moonlight xxx

15-09-10, 09:36
my neighbour has had an abnormal smear - my mum has had several - all righted themselves. my step mum was very successfully treated for cervical cancer years and years ago - hers was quite advanced (unfortunately she had to terminate a pregnancy too) and she is fine.

i used to suffer from ovulating pain - when i went to the doctor i had an internal and they said i was very red and yes it did feel sore and so they put me on 3 lots of antibotics - totally unnecessary because it was ovulating pain (although they disagreed with it at the time).

if you gp truly thought you had cancer - they would have you straight in - the thing is - they will see things like this all the time and so although you think they are probably being quite dismissive - they know what danger signs to look out for. the fact that your periods have always been funny probably points to polycistic ovaries or endometriosis - this causes pain and bleeding after sex.

i know its easy to say but you will gain nothing from worrying - try to sit tight until you have had your other tests done - i am sure it will be one of the above and not cancer x

21-09-10, 10:26
Havent heard anything about the ultrasound from hospital and even docs surgery was suprised. Gave the hospital a ring where a receptionist snapped at me that it can take up to a month when you've been referred as a matter of urgency (which apparently I have). It was a month yesterday since I was referred which I informed her of and she snapped back, yes but only just, anyway you are no where near the top of list you havent been allocated an appointment yet, and then said bye!

I cant believe how rude she was and also how bad waiting times are!! I have to say no wonder britain has such an appalling cancer survival rate when its so hard for people to get in for tests for things in terms of waiting times, and thats only when you've successfully managed to convince your GP a real problem exists even when you have a whole raft of symptoms!

I keep reading in the paper of so many people who are now terminal because their docs wouldnt refer them for tests they asked for, and when they did get referred they faced excessive waiting times! :-( Feeling so downhearted!

30-09-10, 09:50
Finally got a letter for the transabdominal/vaginal ultrasound, so only just over a 2 month wait! So scared as all my symtoms have been continuing particularly the pain during sex and bleeding afterwards and excessive discharge. Plus periods are 10 days apart right now and vary so much in flow its difficult to say if each bleed is actually a period or spotting! :-(

30-09-10, 23:56
dont worry its not as bad as you think. I had an abnormal smear in 1996 and the had laser treatment. Then I had another abnormal smear in 2003 this was showing severe dyscariosis and I had a colposcopy and the the wire loop treatment. I then spent 3 years having smears every six months and now have them yearly, with no problems or reoccurances. There are various grades of abnormal smears and the fact that they have told you to come back for another in six months would make me think there not too concerned. Really dont worry I had all your symptoms, pelvic pain, bleeding with sex and discomfort which was why i went back again in 2003. If they were worried they would have got you in straight away. Abnormal smears dont mean cancer:hugs:

05-10-10, 00:38
Sighs, the vaginal ultrasound is on friday and just started period again (joy of joys!). Didnt like idea of them putting a probe in my vagina anyways but the thought of them doing it when il be at the height of menstrual flow really makes me extremely phobic and disgusted! The letter regarding the appointment says at the very end, we can do this procedure even if you're on your period, lol even if doesnt sound good! Im the type of woman who doesnt speak about periods ever, not even to my mum, they embrass me alot, I dont even mention them to boyfriend, really dont want anyone to examine me down there when on, especially since I use pads and things might be messy by Friday.

If I ask to reschedule will I be put to very end of list all over again or will I get an appointment fairly soon i.e. would I have to wait the two months all over again? Iknow this sounds stupid but the hospital is a terrible enough environment for me to be contmeplating, added to fact I have never been on a hospital bed in my life and I have gone faint even visiting someone in hospital! I just dont think can cope with the added stress and horror of the fact il be bleeding alot when they insert the probe. Itl be so embarassing Im crying thinking about it, literally! Really hacked off that when im terrified enough of hospitals and the fact I might have something serious like uterine or ovarian cancer that this has to also happen! Really want to know if can change the appointment, since didnt get any say when it was to avoid a situation like this!

05-10-10, 01:01
i would go ahead with the internal ultrasound. I had one when i was heavily pregnant and wasnt really looking forward to it. You will be able clean yourself up before the doctor even comes in. Theyve seen much worse

05-10-10, 01:19
I know they'l give me the we've seen it all before line, but for me this really is a huge deal and I dont want them to see ME like that! Sighs it feels like it never rains but it pours!

Going to try to change and see where I get, seriously dont think could let someone see me bleeding, I mean ewwww, that sounds disgusting just typed!

18-10-10, 12:56
My transabdominal/vaginal ultrasound is tomorrow, quaking in my boots, hate hospitals and super scared what they're going to find! Not to mention the fact it sounds soooo embarassing! :-(

paula lynne
18-10-10, 13:04
Oh hun your anxiety is clear from your post x:hugs:
I know its dreadfully embarrasing for you, but...ten minutes of embarrasment to find out whats causing your symptoms and enable treatment sounds like a positive step for you.
This is the scary bit isnt it, hopital, probe, ..then test results after. Your facing your fear and its now or never so to speak. You will be ok, and Im sure its not going to be as awful as you imagine...your so close to sorting it all once and for all..you can do this.
We;ll all be thinking of you, and let us know how you get on. x:hugs:

18-10-10, 14:07
Louise please don't worry, if there are any changes in cells that there worried about they'd have you straight in for further tests, by asking to come back in 6 months tells me there not too worried at all, doctor's have to be so careful these days when it comes to smear results, in light of all the public hype lately. I wouldn't worry babes, easier said than done i know.
If it makes you feel any better i had an abnomal reading in 2007, doctors called me in to get my results, i had severe adnormal cells, was referred straight to hospital for a colposcapy, thinks thats how you spell it, i had some surgery to remove the cells and they were sent off for a biopsy to see if they were cancerous, they weren't. But i have to have regular check up's now, so what i'm trying to say honey you'll be fine. I was and still am, hope this helps.

19-10-10, 13:25
I had the ultrasound this morning, abdominal and vaginal. Overall the experience was not too bad! I was initially very freaked out when they asked me to put on a hospital gown; I refused to do this, as having an acute fear of hospitals this was way way too much, as I see hospital gowns as something very clinical and associate them with sick people. It didnt help that the department next door that I could see from the waiting room read Chemotherapy for day patients!

I was then delayed for half an hour whilst they discussed whether or not I could have it without wearing a hospital gown (or for some reason after I rfused to wear the hospital gown there I was then sent back out for a half hour). After the half hour I had both types of ultrasound whilst fully clothed (obv I just had to pop my knickers off for the vaginal one) so I think the gown is merely to avoid gel getting near to your clothes, which seems mad to me, as to me suggesting a gown is worn makes the procedure seem serious!

The abdominal ultasound was fine, the vaginal one hurt quite a bit, but as Ive probs already posted alot I have alot of pain even during an internal exam so I was expecting this. She said my ovaries and uterus look in perfect shape. The ovaries are classed as being polycystic if they are enlarged to a size bigger than ten, one of my was five and the other was a three, so no prob there. The little bumps on them all looked like a text book ovary as well, so she said there is not a chance of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Nor does my uterus show any sign ofabnormality of the lining etc!

I really wanted a polycystic ovary diagnosis as this would have gone some way to explaining my symptoms but now im kind of back to square one!

Not sure what is going to happen from here, I can imagine my GP saying all my probs are just the way I am!
- I have excessive discharge and internal redness but no infection or thrush etc
- I have highly irregular and overly frequent and long periods, pain during intercourse and bleeding directly after each time I have intercourse, but have been told theres no way its polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis given the ultrasound.
- My smear test a month ago was abnormal but my doc said this couldnt be the cause of the symptoms as the cell changes are only mild
- My blood test was abnormal but, the only really significant things seemed to be the high testosterone levels, which are pretty scary now that I know they're not caused by PCOS

Im worried cos now dont know at all what is causing all of that, and particularly now worried why the high testosterone levels were found if def dont have polycystic ovaries. Dr Google sites othr causes of high testosterone in women as being caused by adrenal cancer!!! Quite scared about this now.

I know Il probs be asked to start taking the pill but this will only mask the irregular bleeding not treat whatever is causing them!

20-10-10, 09:19
Sighs at a loss where to go from here, not sure if I should ask for a referral to a gynecologist or even an endocrinologist.... seems so many diff problems at once not sure who would be the best....

20-10-10, 11:30
Can u not ask for an abdominal MRI? This should show up any abnormalities that may be causing your symptoms. Explain that last bit to ur doc (about u dont just want it masked, u want to know wot is causing this as its NOT normal. Also explain ur fears about cancer and say until you know for sure then u cant possibly relax, and say ur bloods were abnormal so ud like a proven explanation of this)

The fact that everything looked on on the ultrasound shows theres probably nothing going on, and many women have hormonal imbalance that causes ur symptoms. But pain during sex and bleeding afterwards needs to be investigated, no doubt, and ur doctor must know this, so you need to push for further tests ok.

Good luck hun xx