View Full Version : Weekend stretching ahead of me

10-09-10, 16:44
Well, it's nearly home time & whilst most people in my office are looking forward to the weekend I am somewhat apprehensive. I had a tough time of things last weekend - it was a real struggle & I am scared of it being the same this weekend particularly as my boyfriend's son is staying with us this weekend. I think it's partly because there seems so much time to fill & I don't want to be feeling bad & also because I don't want to ruin the weekend for everyone.

Does anyone else experience this?

I guess what I need to do it to fill my time & try to distract myself aswell so that I don't dwell on how I feel. I just hate feeling anxious particularly as it makes me feel so ill - I am physically sick & can't eat.

I know that I shouldn't predict how I am going to feel but sometimes it's easier said than done. It's the same with the mornings. To quote Claire Weekes though: "A bad morning does not mean a bad day".

Sorry, I'm just rambling along trying to talk myself round!

Have a good weekend everyone


margaret jones
10-09-10, 18:15
Hi Kell

Try not to think to much about what the weekend will bring try and relax and deal with things as they come easy to say I no but I bet you can do It :blush:

Take Care Maggie and try and embrace the weekend ( no work ):)

11-09-10, 00:32
Oh I can totally relate to the idead of the "weekend stretching ahead of me". I work weekends but my "weekends" are horrendous.
I used to go to pieces unable to cope and I dreaded them.
Now I make a list of stuff I have to do with rough times as to when I should start and this has saved my weekends.

My list is really silly but it works for me. I need to "do" things like read the paper, do the dishes, the laundry,check the bird feeders-easy stuff.

I think it is the idea of having a purpose for my time rather than sitting idling waiting for my panic to overtake me.

Anyway my time away from work is still hard but geting better.

Take Care Hun !

13-09-10, 13:05
Thanks guys.

Well, the weekend wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I tried to keep my mind occupied by reading lots and constantly checked my body to ensure that I was relaxed and tensing myself. I tried my best to "act normal" and managed to get through the weekend with no tears & no being sick. Result!

13-09-10, 13:47
kell...i am oh so pleased that your weekend went well xxxxx that is oh so wonderful to hear xxxx

hope it continues for the rest of the week xxxx

13-09-10, 18:28
I can so relate to this. I used to dread free time as this is when anxiety really gets to me. I dreaded the summer hols all year. But now I am so damn busy I can't wait to get home and relax. Your feelings will change.

14-09-10, 17:32
I so know what you mean. If I am not distracted, or spend too much time alone, with my own annoying thoughts, then that is when I get anxious. I have 3 afternoons off a week, so now try and make sure I am meeting a friend, or have my niece and/or nephew round for a while. Also, am just about to sign up for yoga/tai chi classes, I have found a gym that runs these classes when I am off work in the afternoons. So I can now distract myself and be doing something which will help my mind and help with positive thinking and relaxing.

Hope you are ok today. xx