View Full Version : mole - very worried.

10-09-10, 20:59
I've got a mole under my arm that has over the last couple of days gone very sore and it's hard and swollen - but for a couple of months I've had shooting pains under the same arm. It feels like a blocked gland would. It woke me up last night it was so sore, it feels like i am carrying a golf ball under me arm! I then knicked it while shaving this morning and it started bleeding. I'm so worried I've got cancer - I've got an appt to see a doctor on the 28th but that's too late isn't it? I've stopped the pill two nights ago and so am not sure if thats maybe had an effect? I'm so worried I don't want to end up ill or worse. It doesn't look any different apart from a bit like bumpy but it has always looked like that I think. I'm just scared as it's so sore.

10-09-10, 21:15
It's also assymetrical and bigger than 6mm by a couple of mm so should I be panicing? I'm tempted to see if I can see the doc first thing on Monday

Fly away Katie
10-09-10, 21:20
Ive got a mole on my arm thats gotten visably bigger, and also black and a bit lumpy.Im sscared aswel. I think we should both see a doc, just to be sure xxxxxxx

10-09-10, 21:25
Oh dear, i've done that before with a razor - not fun! It sounds like a very angry mole. Make sure you keep it clean, and try not to irritate it anymore with you deo. Do you think your clothes might be rubbing on it and keeping it sore?

Remember you can always speak to a pharmacist to see if they can help - they might be able to suggest something to calm it down. Worth a try!

10-09-10, 21:28
Yeah I might do that, ask a pharmacist and see what they say, they have been really helpful in the past so I'll see, thanks, I'm in town tommorow so I might go in & ask

10-09-10, 21:45
It's always a good idea to get moles checked if they:
Change in color, size, or shape.
Or if they are sore or itch.
Doesn't mean that they are cancerous tho.

I would call your doc and tell them that you just can't wait that long.
The sooner you get in, the sooner you will get the answers you need to ease your mind.

10-09-10, 21:49
Yeah I will do that, I'll phone on Monday morning and ask for advice

10-09-10, 22:04
I think that you should def get it checked out by a doctor to be sure, but as you'll have to wait until probably monday, you can always see the pharmacist tomorrow for some advice in the meantime on calming the skin.

I have had a mole removed from my neck because it always used to catch on my collar and get very sore.

Hugs in the meantime x x x

11-09-10, 00:04
Thank you :-) im terrified .. i keep thinking that something is seriously wrong,im so scared and everyone is in bed and im all alone and i want a hug. I sound so stupid, im nineteen i should be more grown up :-\

11-09-10, 00:35
I dont kno what to do :-( when i strech my arm the lumpiness dissapears, is that good?

11-09-10, 01:01
I just wanted to send you a hug as you are alone and up this late.

I am sure it will be fine - please try not to worry ok and we will be thinking of you.

11-09-10, 14:34
It will be ok DaisyCake - it always seems so much worse late night/early morning when there is noone around.


12-09-10, 16:00
i know how horrible this is as moles are my number 1 worry and it always comes back again and again. and you are not stupid! i am 19 too and feel i have regressed to a child, just wanting hugs all the time etc.

its so easy for under your arm to get infected by anything; isnt it one of the most sensitive areas of skin? so i am guessing the skin is infected and the mole is on top of it? because i doubt a cancer would suddenly grow so quickly in a short space of time to feel like the size of a golfball. i get infected glands under the arm all the time from shaving too aggressively and know that golfball feeling.

sometimes moles have the same symptoms as cancerous moles but are just abnormal not cancerous. has it grown recently to 6mm or has it always been that way? has it changed colour?