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View Full Version : So terrified. Having to go into hospital.

01-03-06, 18:29

On Monday of next week, I am scheduled to go into hospital for oral surgery. I am having lots of teeth out and having the first phase in the procedure for dental implants. I am going to be staying in for one night.

I have so many fears! My main problem is that I have emetophobia. I'm terrified of feeling sick (or..worse) after the aneasthetic, although I do feel that this will be sorted out with extra anti emetics. I've had an hour long consultation with the Sister in charge of the Pre Op Assessment Clinic yesterday and she has requested my notes from a previous surgery where I wasn't unwell afterwards, so hopefully, if they give me the same 'coctail' this time around, it should be OK. Says she, rather hopefully.

But help.

How am I going to cope, on a ward, with other people?? I know they'll be giving me extra anti emetic drugs but they'll not be giving extra's to everyone around me and I've got to stay there all night and I'll not be able to get up and run away if I hear anything...you know. I've asked repeatedly and desperately for a side room but they just don't have enough of them to go around - and I do understand that they are needed for very ill patients etc but...I just don't know how I am going to be able to deal with this situation.

I'm going to buy a personal stereo with good ear phones so that I can have them on and press PLAY if necessary - very loudly but just the thought of doing all this on Monday is wearing me out.

I'm the worlds worst hospital visitor due to my phobia, so being a patient is just...well, it's off the scale.


01-03-06, 18:35
Good luck for the hospital, Im sure you will do fine, It understand how you feel but stay focused that it is only a short stay and that you are in good hands,
Once you are home you can be so proud of yourself that you did it without any problems!
Wendy x

01-03-06, 19:44
Wishing you all the best and just keep those headphones in and those eyes shut (although in my experience the curtains are always drawn round to give people privacy if they are feeling unwell.

Let us know as soon as you are home again.

love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-03-06, 19:48
Good luck with hospital.

I went in to get an impacted wisdom tooth out, it was only day surgery but I hadnt left the house for over 3 years so it was major to me. A whole day away from home.

The most important thing is to let the staff on the ward know you have anxiety and panic attacks and in my case they went out there way to ensure I had a relatively relaxed time. They even allowed my husband to remain with me the whole time I was in. I explained I was scared of the feeling of sedation and I would rather feel just get numbed and they did whatever I asked. I got through it by thinking I was in hospital with experienced nurses and dentists and they would look after me.

I will be thinking about you - we are stronger than we think !

Good luck for next Monday


........life is for living not just for surviving

03-03-06, 22:28
Well, I've selected some music tapes and invested in an audio book and tomorrow is the day for going to buy the personal stereo.

I had a good chat with a friend of a friend yesterday because she's a nurse and has spent the last four years as a theatre/recovery nurse. Chatting with her was helpful and I felt quite reassured once I put the phone down....but 24 hours later that seems to have worn off a little [:I]

I seem to be OK for short periods of time and then it all pops into my head again and my face falls and my heartrate increases. It's exhausting really! Time is going to fast and I hope it continues to go fast once Monday morning comes round but I suspect that as soon as I wake up on Monday, every minute will crawl by....and there seem so many minutes until the following day when I get to come home again.

Uh oh. Having a feeling sorry for myself moment here [B)]

04-03-06, 21:27
Thats ok to feel sorry for yourself.

I hope it goes smoothly for you and is not as traumatic as you are 'what if' ing about


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-03-06, 21:44
Good luck Bev.

Well done for making plans and coping strategies. I hope all goes well for you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

05-03-06, 14:55
Good luck with it all.
I suffer the same with fear of hospitals,but had no choice when had a allergic reaction and was rushed to A&E.
I was there having to face this fear,but I did it and nothing happend to me.



Tall dark and mysterious was his name,
magic love and money was his game.

Beauty is a real thing, not just a reflection in the mirror

05-03-06, 16:23
Wishing you the best of luck :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

05-03-06, 22:35
Thanks for the good wishes :)

I'm heading to bed now (or so I keep telling myself). I have to be up at about 5ish and at the hospital for 7.15am. My hubby is of course going to be there with me and he'll stay as long as I want him to (and hopefully we'll not come across any resistance from the staff).

I'll check in once I'm back home some time on Tuesday.



10-03-06, 18:12
Sorry for the delay in updating!

I did go into hospital on Monday but they couldn't do everything they wanted to do so it will mean at least one extra surgery.

The main and most important news though is that I didn't feel sick (or worse) after my surgery :D (however, I certainly do not look like that emoticon anymore [:o)]).

Seriously though, if anybody with emetophobia has to go for surgery, make sure you chat with the aneasthetist beforehand and ask for ZOFRAN. It's not the anti emetic they routinely give after surgery simply due to the cost (its about min £6 per dose, as opposed to approx 29p/59p which is the cost of the routine anti emetics).

They did actually give me two routine drugs plus Zofran and it was fine :)

Because they didn't do everything they'd planned to do, I was able to come home on Monday evening rather than having to stay overnight and I'm very glad about that. There were certainly some hair raising moments for me on the ward with people having certain....bowls near them and I can assure you that my personal stereo certainly got played (loudly) a fair few times, just in case [:I]

10-03-06, 18:19
Wow - well done on coping so well with it all. Glad it went well.

Sounds like you coped just fine to me.

Hope the next time goes as well too.


10-03-06, 22:36
That's excellent news Bev :) I remember when I had to have just one wisdom tooth out I was really nervous, had to have my (then) boyfriend there with me, and begged the dentist to wait longer than normal for the anaesthetic to take effect (as I know from experience that, like my dad, I have a tolerance to them, so they take longer to act!), but that was nothing compared to what you have done - hearty congratulations!!

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.