View Full Version : dughters blocked ear

Cell block H fan
10-09-10, 22:09
How can we clear it? 13 yr old, it's annoying her. Only blocked one side. Couple of hours now. Tried all the yawning, swallowing, holding nose whilst mouth closed & blowing, but it's not clearing.
What else could work?
I put 4 drops of sodium bicarbonate in there (ear wax drops) but that hasn't done anything. She's sucking a lolly pop now, but it's not helping.
I am up at 5am for work, back home at 10am. Worried about leaving her incase she wakes up in pain? She doesn't have a cold..

10-09-10, 23:13
When i have had ear infections, i have found using a hairdryer gently over my ear (not into - very important) has helped change the pressure inside and ease the pain. I don't know how sodium bicarb reacts to heat, i have always used olive oil drops.

~glowly worm~
10-09-10, 23:24

can sympathise lots as my right ear is currently blocked also and it is most uncomfortable :/
Id advise to see a nurse as im not medically trained, however it sounds like theres absolutely nothing to be scared of as my left one was blocked too and is now fine :)

Hope this eases your anxiety a bit, i wont offer advise just let you know what happened with mine..

I was advised to use warm olive oil. Saw a nurse about mine after having seen the gp and she told me to to use this method and it really can help.

I put a little (enough to make up about 3-5 drops) into an egg cup, then poured very hot water into a glass and place the egg cup inside to warm it. Making sure the olive oil was not too hot (by testing it like u would babys milk) this way it wont burn the ear :) Then lay on my side for about 15-20 mins with the olive oil in ear. It can make u go more deaf first and this can last a few days but this is ok and some bubbling may be heard- also normal. Then i sat up and let the oil drain out naturally. It helped to gently massage the area around the ear to aid the drainage. It needs to be done twice a day i was told, and eventualy a plug should form and the wax will come out on its own, if not just pop to the gp and they wil check it for you.

Whatever you do do NOT use anything to push into the ear like cotton wool or cotton buds, this will make it worse.

Mine didnt come out on its own at first and after 10 days of olive oil it needed a nurse to jet warm water in it to push it out.. which didnt hurt or anyhting..however this is not always needed and it can be a lot quicker to come out on its own :)

If you are worried then a trip to the gp is the best thing tho x

Hope this helps :)

Love ~glowly~

Cell block H fan
11-09-10, 04:48
Thanks folks. So it might be an infection? She said it didn't hurt, but she hates doctors/dentists anything like that, so she may have just said that.
She lay down on that side last night & eventually she had a popping sound, then it was unblocked! That's when I went to sleep.
When my alarm went off at 4am I could hear her tv on. She is alseep on that side, so weather it came back I dont know.
I'll see how she is when I get home & maybe take her to the docs. Hopefully they are open atleast in the mornings on a saturday...

11-09-10, 04:52
Hoping with you that all is now well for your daughter and her ear is thankfully unblocked.

11-09-10, 14:28
It would prob hurt a lot if it was an ear infection.

If it happens again, best thing to do would be to get it checked out. I was advised not to use cotton buds in my ears as it can compact the wax "never put anything in your ears that is smaller than your elbow" :roflmao:

~glowly worm~
11-09-10, 16:44
Hey again :)

Glad the ear unblocked :D
Hope it remained that way and pain free too :)


11-09-10, 19:33
Allergies can cause a feeling of fullness in the ear(s) I understand. I was once give a nasal spray that helped! never found out what the allergy was, potentially some kind of hayfever I think it was but it's all about the ENT connection I guess, those pesky eustation tubes!

Cell block H fan
11-09-10, 19:58
Well, all is normal. I came home from work & she was still sparko bless her. When she woke up I asked how her ear was & she said fine, all gone.
I spent all the time at work this morning imagining going home & taking her to the docs. I kept my phone on me the whole time, & we're not supposed to do that, I work in a supermarket. But if they had done random searches today I would have said tough, my daugher is ill.
But all is fine, She's a bit worried it may come back, seeing as we dont know what caused it.
Fingers crossed it wont.
Thanks for your posts xxx

~glowly worm~
11-09-10, 21:46
Hi again :)

thats great news and must be especiallly for you :)

Really glad she is feeling chipper again :)
Warm wishes,
