View Full Version : Anxiety is ruining my life.

10-09-10, 22:34
Hello again. :)

Need to sound off a bit, or just express my fears.. i dunno, whatever.

As i said in my introductory post, i'm 26 and have had anxiety for over a year.
It's anxiety i can't explain and also HA.

I feel a shadow of my former self, which sounds really stupid, but i'm so unhappy with myself recently. I was on Citalopram when i first started having anxiety attacks, but i couldn't cope with the nausea and i felt it was just overly exaggerating my symptoms. I immediately stopped taking it and for about 5 months or so I felt ok again. I recently had a relapse which brought me crashing back down to earth again. (If it wasn't for this website i'd be alot worse.) So my doctor has put me on fluoxetine which has given me random insomnia, but again, i digress.

I guess what i'm getting at is that i've been with my fiancee for 5 and a half years and although she's supportive towards me, i feel like i'm ruining her life with it all. I know she tries to understand what i'm going through, but as many of you know, you can't understand anxiety unless you physically experience it. She said to me today that "we don't have a laugh anymore" and i don't really know how to take that. I just wish I was a happier and more upbeat person, even just for her sake but the worry of losing the love of my life is intensely exaggerating my anxiety, so i guess it's a vicious circle.

Sorry for the long winded post, but i needed to get it out.
Also, thank you NMP, don't think i'd cope the same without you. :bighug1:

karen Hargreaves
10-09-10, 22:46
:bighug1:Love you lots and will alway's be here x

11-09-10, 12:54
hi misterRabbit. id be worse with out this site too. lol.. i can relate to alot of what you said. it helps be to know others are going through the same.
i have been with my partner over 2 years. we nearly broke up recently because of the struggle. i been so unhappy so i dont know how i expected him to find me the same. i was such an out going person before all this. me and my partner used to have a laugh., and i agree with you, unless you have it you just wont understand it! the thing with anxiety is that it can and will pass. im slowly starting to come back to life.... i put it like that because im sure everyone would agree it feels like your drifting or are just not...awake through the bad patches. your partner sounds very supportive and if you were ruining her life im sure she wouldnt be so understanding!:) i too have had the same worry of losing the love of my life but that worry in its self WILL make it worse. i say be proud of who you are, coping with anxiety is a massive challenge so it deserves some praise. !!! something that i been doing is pushing myself to be the old me....easier said than done but even if you have to act it sometimes it can help. getting through anxiety, i believe is similar to basically re-training your brain not to think in the vicious circle it does. so excepting anxious thoughts and realiseing they cant hurt you will over time make a difference., im not sure if that all made sense...but i really hope everything works out for you soon.
take care :)