View Full Version : memory issues

Rachel W
11-09-10, 02:24

I am really worried and wondered whether other people have suffered these kind of symptoms.

I have been under a lot of stress lately (and chronically for some time), and lately I have noticed my memory getting worse. I sometimes forget what I was going to say even with a slight distraction, however I have had that before. What I am worried about is actually forgetting something that I have known in the past, like that chocolate has caffeine and where the bahamas are. I just looked up the Bahamas because I had forgotten, although I was pretty sure they were in the Caribbean, it was more of 'it would make sense' than a feeling of actually having the knowledge in my brain. I had also forgotten that it was an English speaking set of islands.

I also don't feel that my mind is working properly.

Could all this be just from stress? I have had a lot on my mind this year, with studying and also major OCD.

Please help. I am worried that I am going to lose my mind and have dementia.


11-09-10, 02:28
i am the same with my anxiety, i sometimes cannot remember if i have said something or thought i have said it, i repeat myself, i cannot mind something i did a week ago and sometimes someone can have a whole conversation with me and i would not be able to tell you what it was, yet i do have days where i remember everything, my memory is worse if i am feeling anxious as i get easily distracted etc
