View Full Version : what do you think

11-09-10, 12:09
hi all im having a issue lately with pain and burning after a bowel movement and also bloody mucus on toilet paper or on end of stool the mucus is sometime reddy/brown sometimes more pinky red i went to the doctors yesterday and she did a examination she said i have a tear in my anus she also said the blood will be from internal piles which cant allways be felt with digital exam and everything felt completely normal up there i had a clear colonoscopy 2 and a half years ago would you be reasurred i had this before thats why they did colonoscopy and they didnt see anything he said i had got one of the healthiest bowels he had seen he did say it could be internal piles which can be so small are hard to see i also have ibs had it for years i know its easier to be rational when dealing with someone elses health anxietys so would really appreciate your opinions thankyou love jayne

11-09-10, 12:44
I also had a colonsocopy just over 2 yrs ago and it was completely clear and the Dr told me that if you don't have any polyps when they have a look then you don't need another one for 10 years as this is how long it takes for them to develop and become pre cancerous so be very reassured that all was fine 2 yrs ago.

You have had a good explanation for your symptoms but as we all know its very hard to accept but at least you have had the test to rule out anything else.

it a pain in the bum:D but not something that is dangerous to you.

11-09-10, 18:30
anyone else had this would you stop worrying as much thanks and countrygirl for your reply