View Full Version : due to go on holiday

11-09-10, 12:31
Hi all,
In January this year my mum and some of her friends booked to go on holiday as they do every year, last year we went with them and although i had panic attacks and anxiety i went with the help of some tablets from the docs for the plane flight.
We are due to go again this year on the 5th of Oct ONLY 4 WEEKS!!!!!
i have had a bad relapse to the point where i dint even go a few miles in the car on my own and if im too far away from home i get panicky whether im with someone or not.
I am dreading the plane flight it is around 4 hours long, what if i have a panic attack when i am up there?? I cant go any where, im stuck!!
Then also im worried about being in a foreign country away from home, i have even looked up about their medical care over there!!

Any stories on holiday and flying or advice would be most appreciative.

Thankyou x

11-09-10, 13:25
Im agoraphobic and just getting out again after many years, only little trips but its a start. My brother has panic attacks and receiving therapy, he can not get on the bus but can travel in his car. He goes abroad every year and like you he fears having a panic in the air or what sort of medical treatment he may get if needed while he's away. He's actually away now, on a med cruise that he had to fly to. He was a nightmare the few months running up but is having a good time. He has valium for the flights and says the run up is far worse than the actual journey. He always has his iplayer on and his wife is good at distracting him. He did an eight hour flight last year but doesnt know how he did it!
I hope you get to go on your holiday, dont let this panic win but please dont feel dreadful if you can not make it just try your very best to get there and have fun in the sun.
Take care,

11-09-10, 14:21
Just use a lot of distraction. Anything that will take your focus away from feeling panic and focus onto other things.

11-09-10, 19:12
OMG I was in the simmalar situations a couple of months ago. I booked to go to egypt with my then girlfriend but when we split up I decided to go with my friend. As the day approached to my flight I went through all the thoughts that you were going through. About what happens if I have an attack before i get on the plane will they let me on. And if when im over there what will happen. mad thoughts that if I had an attack people would think I was drunk and I would get arrested because when I have an attack i look to the outside world or so I think that I have had a skinfull lol slurred speach stagering the lot. I used to go swimming alot and I was even getting mini attacks or felt them coming on wjhilst thinking about it. I went to the doctors and he gave me some beta blockers to slow my heart down for the flight. When I was on the flight I felt kind of nervous but I think the excitement of going away took over and I thought to my self so what if I do have an attack I am sat on a plane and just relax.I took a few films and music on my iphone too to distract me.I also had visions of that sceene in indiana jones were he meets Bellock in the bar with all the nasty egyptians around him with bad teeth and knives. But of coursewhen I got out there it was nothing like that. felt really nervous the first day the second and the third but once I started talking to some of the locals I found out that they were really nice and in the week I was there made a few friends. I had the best time I have ever had. even when on a boat and went snorkling wich I didn't think I would ever do. whilst snorkling though at one point I was begining to hyperventalate but I kind of thought to myself there was no where to go I was in the middle of the egyptian see. so i put my head in the water and looked at all the fish through my goggles and saw how beautifull all the nature was under the water. and just concentrated on what was going on out of me and not what was going on in my body and slowed my breathing down. I even went in to a night club and on a few nights got apsolutely wasted so much me and my friend couldn't walk to the room. I never do that normally in nottingham where i live if i go in to a busy bar I have to go home in about half an hour. admittedly the night club wasn't that busy there and me and my friend didn't mingle that much only with the people that worked there but still had an amazing time. and you will too I am sure of it. I felt more relaxed and at ease over there than I ever have Now im back to my own rigmoral of staying in and never going out. If only I could feel like that in every day life. You will have an amazing time trust me. xx

12-09-10, 13:34
Thank you guys for your support, it is nice to know im not the only one who fears these things!
I agree with the waiting, in most situations i hate waiting for anything thats also why i am so bad shopping because i cant wait in the queue!!
Im scared that when the plane takes off im going to start thinking this is it, theres no way i can get off now!!
Im going to take distraction with me a good book and a book with crosswords in or something to try and keep my brain distracted.
I will let you know how i get on only 3 weeks away!!!

Thank you all again. x