View Full Version : FEAR,death/world ending!help!!

11-09-10, 12:35
something i can never get out of my head is that im going to die one da. i feel trapped in those thoughts. almost like im waiting for it. afraid of death so not living my life!! its tiring.!!! i think it all started when my boyfriends dad got diagnosed with cancer, he past little over 2 months ago. also my sister read something about the expected solar flares in 2012. i know everyone says its nothing to worry about and my dad has reasured me weve had them before. but these are meant to be worse because our whole world is run by computer and it could knock them out. i cant get it out of my head, nearly everyday ill look up and wonder. think the weather is wrong or that a tidal wave is coming. sounds silly but i have had so many dreams about waves. i live near the sea and i imagine it alot. i cant work out why. also when i was younger id joke about how i prob wont live past 25 and in 2012 ill be...25! so i think "oooo, what if ive known or predicted something!" its an over whelming fear that is literally terrifying! ive prob watched to many disaster films....i used to love them..lol.. now i cant even look at the case of the film '2012' its based around what is meant to happen in that year, and with all the stuff on the internet...all the predictions that the world will end then im going crazy!! i thought writing it on here could help and i wondered if anyone else thinks about this because i feel so alone and scared by all this. today ive started thinking about drowning..waves etc. im really scared now. i cant imagine dieing and not being here and this is the biggest anxious thought i have. i cant cope with the idea of death. i dont know what to do or how to stop this spiral..can anyone help??
im prob worse today because i went out drinking last night and i always feel more anxious the next day. but all this is ruining my life. :(
thank you. xx

11-09-10, 12:43
Hi Holly,
I can understand what you are thinking because the whole 2012 thing scares me too, i hate thinking about anything like that, me and some friend went out for a drink the a little while ago and the subject came up on space and black holes and it really started to freak me out!! Every one else thinks i am being stupid but they are real fears to me but the hard thing is no one takes me seriously.
Do you remember when they where going to do that experiment in France and try and recreate the beginning of the universe? Some people said that they could create a black whole and that it would kill us all, i was really frightened that day!!!

11-09-10, 13:02
i have heard about it. its one of the stories my dad had told me to make me see things are always happening like this. i know what you mean. people tease me sometimes and say "oo look at the moon , its too close," or if there is a loud noise or something strange happens they say "dont worry hol,probably just the end of the world" what they dont get is even jokes can freak me out. its starts the thought process and we all know once that starts......!!!lol
thank you for replying. it helps to know im not the only one. lol.. i just wish there was a way to just....STOP THINKING! life was so much easier when i was a bit younger... just having fun and no worries...it sucks now.! ive been reassured that if the world was gonna end...we would know by now with all the scientists we have but i find an argument to anything. ..oh god..im doing it know ....rambling and making myself worse...lol... sorry. lol.x

11-09-10, 13:54
Hi Holly,

It’s something I used to worry about too. I’m still a bit like that but I try not to dwell on those thoughts because there’s not a lot I can do about it. Truly science fiction stuff doesn’t worry me but it’s stories that are based partly on fact that get me thinking a little too much. BTW, I haven’t even seen 2012!

“i just wish there was a way to just....STOP THINKING!”

That is in fact the answer; however, it’s not possible to ‘stop thinking’ and a slightly sideways approach is needed. So if we can’t stop thinking, what would happen if you tried to think about something else instead... hmm... :unsure:

“life was so much easier when i was a bit younger... just having fun and no worries...”

Yes, it does seem like that. Have you ever watched young children play now you’re older? They just seem to live in the moment – not thinking about what has happened or what is yet to come, but fully engrossed in what they’re doing now. It would be good to get back to those ways, wouldn’t it?

Anyway, what happened to the millennium bug a few years back? Or that experiment in France that Kerrie mentioned. Do you really think scientists are smart enough to be able to create a black hole? And if they were, do you think they’d be dumb if enough to try to do it :doh:
And what happened when they fired up the machine? I think it fizzled out in a little puff of smoke :shrug:
A lot of these stories are sensationalised by the media.

Take care,

11-09-10, 19:49
thank you Nigel. x

11-09-10, 20:07
One word - acceptance. There is no need to fear what happens to everyone on earth if you think about it. One of the biggest parts of anxiety is the dwelling on yourself and life itself. But you will probably find you only think like this for a while; you will go through stages of dwelling on one thing, then it will be another. Just learn to shrug if you start to worry about life and death matters. Meh.

11-09-10, 21:38

Just to put a little perspective on this for you.

The 2012 thing is basically a money spinner for people who write books and sell items and prey on peoples fears... The Mayan calendar is at the basis of all of this. The Maya absolutely did not predict the end of world date..the 2012 date was arrived at by archeologists who calculated the Maya start of creation and then counted forward to the end of that cycle, arriving at 2012.

However..fairly recently the date has been recalculated and thought to be about 200 years ou tbecause the original calculations did not take into account other factors like leap years etc.

Regarding solar flares.. They happen in 11 year cycles and your dad is right holly, there have been plenty before.

The LHC machine in France was safety tested over and over.. Even if there was a minute chance of a mini black hole , during the past billions of years, nature has already generated on Earth as many collisions as about a million LHC experiments - and the planet still exists."