View Full Version : Sharp pain just under where ribs meet at front

11-09-10, 12:51
This is not something new so I shouln'dt be freaking. I first had it about 14 yrs ago and have had it on and off since them - I can go up to a year without it. I was told its probably muscle related/diaphram spasm.
It is always the same I wake up one morning and as I turn over in bed I get severe sharp pain just in so below where your ribs join in the middle at front- cross betwen a spasm and very sharp. If I tense the bottom of my ribs/diaphram the pain goes but it comes every few mintues and is pretty evil. It usually lasts a few days easing off.
I do have very stiff achy ribs when i turn or staighten up and in days before this started this morning I was on hols sleeping in a very bad bed that was crippling my back and ribs so logic tells me that its muscle related etc BUT I do seem to be burping alot so am of course worryign that its stomach related instead. I worry this everytime I get it but 6 months ago had a gastroscopy to check my haitus hernia and nothing else was found.
Why do I worry so much when it is something I have had occasionally for so many years - I also worry it won't go away.

margaret jones
11-09-10, 18:09
Hi Countrygirl
What a lot of worriers we are i am just like you I forget that the pain was there before and did not harm me , out comes the old anxiety devil and sits about for a while then goes .

Hope you soon feel better Take Care Maggie xx

11-09-10, 21:16
I'm having exactly the same problems at the moment - acid burning stomach, constant burping, and painful ribs back and front. In my case it is a surge of fibromyalgia, brought on by an excess of repetitive activity ion the upper chest and arms (tpying my thesis and moving a lot of archive files at work) and made worse by the somewhat humid weather conditions we are having in London.

I've been checked for everything over the years but I still get slightly anxious every time I have a recurrence of symptoms with the "What if? s".

It was the rib pain such as you describe that first sent me to the doctor who diagnosed fibromyalgia - pain in the soft tissue around the costal junctions - and very typical of fibro pain called costochrondritis. If you press on your ribs do they feel bruised and sore? If they do then you might want to ask your doctor to confirm this diagnosis.

It's not a fatal or degenerative condition, just periodically painful and annoying. It's been annoying me for over 10 years.
