View Full Version : Is there really hope

11-09-10, 12:59
can any one tell me if there is more succsess stories of people over coming anxiety as i feel that i will always will be like this , and just want a glimmer of hope that there is more people out there that have got over it

11-09-10, 14:01
Hi tricia56,

Dunno... but I do know that people tend to talk more about the bad times than the good, so ‘no news is good news’, as they say :winks:

I was here several years ago and drifted away for various reasons, and have recently drifted back for various other reasons. I can say that nobody I used to know here seems to be a regular on here anymore. Does that answer your question?

Take care,

11-09-10, 14:34
I have a panic disorder (I'm 56 years old). I had one when I was in my 20's. Was on a tranquilizer for quite awhile, but after many months, worked through it. I have to say, except for some anxiety on and off, I did quite well for over 30 years. Last Fall I had some stressful times (my counselor says it was an accumulation of anxiety/stress over a couple of years), and the panic attacks came back. I do know you can work through this and be happy.

11-09-10, 19:50
People do get better,we all know that feeling of will it ever end the and the answer is many peope recover from it,i have a friend who has made a remarkable recovery and my son has also made a great recovery and is nearly medication free after being a complete mess & spending 2months in hospital last year his anxiety and panic attacks have virtualy vanished ,
try to stay strong you can recover:)

paula lynne
11-09-10, 21:00
Theres ALWAYS hope...x you will feel better reading some of the success stories on here x:hugs:

~glowly worm~
11-09-10, 21:16
Hello Tricia :)

I agree it varies but have to say so far for me since joining here i think yes there is definitely hope!

Just a week ago i joined and then was feeling totally incapable of retrurning to university (now in 2 weeks) and on the verge of selling my car and quitting my part time job because of panic attacks,severe travel phobia and various anxiety disorders & phobias.

Due to the help from members i have driven alone every day these past 4 days, done a journey a thought was impossible (almost 2 hours including getting stuck on a dual cariageway by taking a wrong turn- one of my worst nightmares!) AND been to my workplace (two 3 hour bus journeys).

Its been hard and exhausting but its paying off :) I'm sure it will be up and down with many downs but i *am* hopeful now and last week i wasnt.

Give it time, try to believe in yourself. If i can make these changes so can you ;) And as the othrs sugested the success stories are the best way to begin .. they were what heped me belive it could work :)

I also started by searching the help sections here and posted a request for advice of where to begin on the first problem i felt ready to tackle. That way i found members who share my problems (and alot who have overcome them who are kindly offring much useful advice on how they did it :)

Really hope this helps... please dont be scared to ask for support, even if its just for distraction from the thoughts.

Warm wishes,

~ glowly ~ x

paula lynne
11-09-10, 21:19
glowy well done on your recent successes.....tricia..keep going my love x:hugs:

11-09-10, 21:21
Although I'm in a pretty bad place now there certainly is hope!

6.5 years ago I was agoraphobic and hadn't left the house for 6 months other than to see my GP. I started on citalopram and ended up not only leaving the house but moving 400 miles away and being happy!

I stopped meds and was fine for a couple of years and it's only recent stresses that have caused the increase. Despite this I know there is hope and I do believe (deep down) there's a way through this :bighug1:

Hazel B
12-09-10, 11:18
I have had a traumatic series of events for the past 3 years, all chipping away at my mental peace. I then had to have many medical tests and scans which pushed me into anxiety, pulse over 100bpm for 2 months.
I now have meds and it's getting better.

~glowly worm~
13-09-10, 10:49
Paula Lynne,

Thankyou so much :) Hope you are having a clamer day :)

Jflower, so sorry to hear you are feeling rough again :( but you are right, you have done it before and *can* do it again :D We are all rooting for you!

Hazel, sounds like a horrible time, really glad things are starting to turn around for you :D Keep us posted! x



13-09-10, 11:12
Tricia, I'm a million times better than I was a year ago, even if it's with the help of meds. Don't ever lose hope :hugs:

Glowly you should be sooo proud of yourself - you're an inspiration :flowers:

~glowly worm~
14-09-10, 18:02

so good to hear you have improved so much :)
Doesnt matter if ur on meds, they are just the catylyst u are the propellor :) if that makes any sense at all? :p

And thankyou, i am happy with my progress but most of the credit must go to NMP, you lot have been marvellous! And must give lots of thanks to Vixxxy, she was my hope and has been a great encouragement along with everyone else x

Warm wishes and long may u continue to progress :)


Hazel B
14-09-10, 18:06
Glowly, you are an inspiration, don't give up.

~glowly worm~
17-09-10, 14:54
Thanku Hazel, thats most kind but me thinks we all are!
in fact i think Nic deserves an award (and not kidding!) xxx

Hazel B
17-09-10, 14:59
I am in week 3 since my anxiety started, doing well, slower pulse and seeing a counsellor for my inner demons. I have ups and downs, but the downs are less now.
Keep on fighting all of you.

~glowly worm~
17-09-10, 15:34
Hey Hazel :)

So pleased things are looking up for you and you are finding th help you need :) Its a tough thing to beat and sounds likr you are fighting hard, keep at it and keep us posted if you can!

Love ~glowly~ x

18-09-10, 02:33
I've had bouts of anxiety and panic that lasted for months, and I've gotten over it every time. I'm in the midst such anxiety, and its lasted for a few months now, but I know I'll overcome it, because I always do. A couple weeks ago it was bad enough that I couldn't work or really do anything, and I'm still pretty anxious, but I'm productive again, and I focus on things other than my condition. Just have a strong will to get better, and take action toward getting better.

Just as the mind is powerful enough to cause all these crazy symptoms, it is also powerful enough to pull itself up out of the muck, even when things seem really hopeless.

18-09-10, 09:25
This thread gives me some hope, its only been 5 weeks since I started getting panic/anxiety attacks. I have come a long way I feel since then, I am having counselling which is really good, and I am on Olanzapine and have Diaz for emergencies. Was doing really well but have just had an awful week of anxiety and had to take a Diaz last night to sleep, which I don't like doing. It seems to be a couple of steps forward then a big one back! So frustrating. But as I said, this thread gives me some hope. xx

18-09-10, 10:40
Good stuff Heavenly. I think a lot of us find learning to cope with our probs or getting better is not a straight road and we have setbacks. The important thing is not to make too much of them, accept it and move on. Even when it feels like it, I don't think we often end up back at square one xx

Hazel B
18-09-10, 12:05
I agree with the Scientist, I'm burning all this energy with worry, surely I can use the same energy to be positive? I don't mean to be glib, but the power of the mind is very scary really. I stopped smoking after 20 years in May, just flicked a switch in my head to tell me to stop - no gum, patches etc. So why can't I do the same for this - I can only try.

Ups and downs then we pick ourselves up again.

18-09-10, 13:35
I stopped smoking after 20 years in May, just flicked a switch in my head to tell me to stop - no gum, patches etc. So why can't I do the same for this - I can only try.

Ups and downs then we pick ourselves up again.

Well done,:yesyes: I actually gave up smoking 4 weeks ago (after 15 years of it) because the panic attacks started, the thought of any stimulants at all just really freaks me out, so it was a no brainer!

Hazel B
18-09-10, 13:58
Thanks H, well done yourself. How I wish I had stopped sooner, but never mind. I'm the same as you, no more stimulants, and also with health anxiety I wanted to do right for my body.
I've also given up coffee, but that one kills me, I LOVE coffee!!

18-09-10, 17:09
Thanks H, well done yourself. How I wish I had stopped sooner, but never mind. I'm the same as you, no more stimulants, and also with health anxiety I wanted to do right for my body.
I've also given up coffee, but that one kills me, I LOVE coffee!!

I don't drink coffee but decaff tea tastes no different to me but I can imagine that decaff coffee just isn't the same!!

I love Diet Coke so that was knocked on the head for caffeine free for a bit, but now I am going to knock that on the head as I do know that aspartame stuff isn't good for you. So it will be water and fruit juice from now on.

I will miss it, but I want to look after myself and my health and sort my nerves out so its gotta go!!

Hazel B
18-09-10, 17:15
You should be really proud of yourself, you're doing so much to help yourself. x
There is hope.

18-09-10, 17:38
You should be really proud of yourself, you're doing so much to help yourself. x
There is hope.

Thanks Hazel, wish you were in my living room with me, I really do!! :hugs: Other half does his best but he has no idea what I am going through and I know I must sound like a complete fruitcake these past few days. I don't want to be a burden to him but he does know I am doing all I can to get better. x

Hazel B
18-09-10, 17:53
Well, imagine I am there, holding your hand and telling you that things will be ok, it just takes time.
I do this and imagine my best friend is with me and it is a real comfort.

18-09-10, 17:54
Hazel, that is a beautiful suggestion.

18-09-10, 18:05
That is a lovely suggestion, thank you so much Hazel. xx My next best thing actually is my best mate's mum. My best mate doesn't live locally but her mum does and she put me up for the night on Thurs when other half was in London. She said I can go round there or ring her up anytime. She's a star.