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View Full Version : Worried about my heart

11-09-10, 13:04
This morning i woke up very early and my heart rate was rapid, As you all know i haven't been feeling well the last week or so.

Around 8.30am my heart was racing and i felt very jumpy.

When i tried laying back down i felt like my heart was shuddering and when i was trying to get back to sleep it felt like my heart was jumping, I'm not sure if my heart was jumping or whether it was my body that was jumping.

As you know i'm already worried about Endocarditis for some reason, I keep thinking a bacterial infection has spread to my heart or that i'm going to have heart failure or a heart attack, I'm really worried not just because of my heart but because of how i am feeling recently.

I went back on Cipralex 2 days ago even though i probably shouldn't have but i need to see if any of my symptoms are down to anxiety but i'm thinking they are due to something else.

My arms feel weak today as well because i keep thinking i have Endocarditis i am thinking i might/could have had a stroke.

I am really worried about bacterial infections at the moment especially when my teeth aren't great just now due to previous problems, i have gum disease and a few decayed teeth and some teeth with plaque, As there is a link between gum disease and heart disease but i'm sure heart disease is rare in someone in their 20's regardless of gum disease.

But i am also worried that some bacteria in my mouth has gone into my bloodstream and caused Endocarditis or Septicaemia or some other bad condition or illness.

margaret jones
11-09-10, 13:16
Hi Eggy sorry you are feeling so poorly at the moment :weep: Have you been to see a Dentist and told him of your worrys ?? . I think that what you are worrying about is very Rare .

Try and Look for things to distract your self not easy i no .
Re the Meds i cant comment as i dont take any tabs but if they are prescribed for you surly that is ok .
Sorry hun i dont know what else to suggest ,
Take Care Maggie :hugs: xx

11-09-10, 13:27
Just the worry of thinking you have endocarditis is enough to make your heart race and miss beats - its a viscious circle and hard to get out of.Whenever I get a virus like flu or tummy bug I am always worrying that the virus has gone to my heart as any virus makes your heart race anyway even if you don't have anxiety.

Have you been to your Dr and told him all of this - Dr can listen to your heart and tell pretty quickly if you have something as serious as endocarditis. If you are feeling generally rough then they can also do range of blood tests to rule out infection etc so its worth going and admitting your fears.

11-09-10, 13:53
Just the worry of thinking you have endocarditis is enough to make your heart race and miss beats - its a viscious circle and hard to get out of.Whenever I get a virus like flu or tummy bug I am always worrying that the virus has gone to my heart as any virus makes your heart race anyway even if you don't have anxiety.

Have you been to your Dr and told him all of this - Dr can listen to your heart and tell pretty quickly if you have something as serious as endocarditis. If you are feeling generally rough then they can also do range of blood tests to rule out infection etc so its worth going and admitting your fears.

Thanks for your reply, Having a doctor listen to my heart would be reassuring, I was thinking about going to the walk-in centre today but as i went there wednesday and yesterday they will probably think i'm mad or something.

I did have some blood tests done at the walk-in centre yesterday but i won't get the results until about Wednesday-Thursday.

I am having a bit of chest discomfort but it's on the left side near the nipple but it's not really pain it's not severe or anything like that.

11-09-10, 14:55
Eggy, I had the same problem with teeth and gums for a number of years and it didn't have any effect on my heart...but, like you, I heard about the "research" and worried myself sick! Just see your dentist when you feel up to it because you will feel better in yourself if you have some dental treatment x