View Full Version : Does anyone else feel their anxiety makes them too controlling?

11-09-10, 13:36
Wasn't sure which section to post this in but I guess it's a general question about anxiety so I thought here would be ok...

Really, I'm just wondering if anxiety makes anyone else overly controlling in other aspects of their life that they can control? For me my anxiety affects me socially... going out with friends, family, by myself, etc... and has seeped in to almost every aspect of my life growing up - dancing, school, university etc...

I find I'm very obsessive and controlling over things that belong to me - even though normally people would be fine. Especially became a nightmare at university sharing with two girls who had no respect for me or anything I said. I was so anxious about going outside and stressing over uni and becoming more and more crazy because I couldn't control any of it. I couldn't make them help keep the place reasonable because they hated me. I just became so obsessive with cleaning and it was a nightmare for all of us. Me because I was acting really out of character and all I could control was the little things like washing up, cleaning etc... in the end I needed help to stop things going further.

Anyone else find that they are like that? It makes me feel so stupid feeling like this over little things, but I know it's because I feel so helpless when my anxiety raises its ugly head... Anyone have any good tips for dealing with feeling like this? I find it really hard letting things go and it's so frustrating!! :wacko: