View Full Version : On medication but feeling good....

11-09-10, 14:57
Hi everybody, haven’t posted in a while but hopefully someone can take something useful out of my post. Last year I have the worst anxiety/panic of my life I really felt terrible I had some really horrendous symptoms & found myself in AE on two occasions. I was convinced I had a neurological condition & it lead me to a mini breakdown were I didn’t eat or drink for days. The doctor was less that sympathetic his basic words were just snap out of it you’re not going to die & sent me off with what I believe to be useless Propranolol.

Anyway I managed to climb out the hole I was in be myself & managed to get myself back to a level of normality, started going up town shopping & socialising even managed to start playing 5 a side football but I always had this inner fight with my mind & resigned to the fact I would always be like this. So things went on as normal for a while until recently when me & my long term girlfriend split up & I started to fall down again.
So after a few days I decided to go to the doctors & this time it was a really great doctor very sympathetic he talk to me for a while & put me on a prescription of citalopram (10mg) I was terrified to take them but choose not to think about it & just went for it, well I didn’t have any side effect at all & after a week I started to feel much better.

I cant believe all these years I refused medication & it really helped me more that anything else I have tried. I’m now on 20mg & starting to feel like my old self, I can even have alcohol while on them which is good as I love socialising with friends.

I understand I must be one of the lucky ones to get great benefit from medication but for all you people out there that are too scared to try them PLEASE DO TRY!!! As you never know it could be as good for you as it is for me.

I understand I will have to stop talking the medication some day but I believe the rest from my anxiety can only do me good..

Please feel free to pm me if you want to ask any questions.
Good luck :)

11-09-10, 19:37
Pleased you feeling great and that citalopram is working for you,i was on 60mg of citalopram but it didnt work for me,however it does work well for many people enjoy the freedom from your worries and well done:D