View Full Version : lightheadedness / weird feelings in ears

01-03-06, 21:47
Hello everyone,
Thank you to you all for you kind words when I posted before re my health anxiety. It really helped.
My palpitiations and general anxiety seem to be decreasing, but one symptom that seems to be dragging on is this odd feeling in my head and ears, almost as if there is pressure building up there. If I yawn, or sort of stretch my jaw, my ears pop, but it is only a short time before the pressure builds again. It can make me feel a bit sort of lightheaded sometimes. Strangely, when I wake up in the morning, it is fine, it then builds up during the day, and is at its worst in the evening.

I have been seen by an ENT doc, he said there is no problem with my ears after some tests (I and my GP suspected labyrinthitis or similar).

Someone has told me of problems with the neck muscles which can cause these types of symptoms...I know I suffer from terrible tension in my neck sometimes which can be incredibly painful. Does anyone have any opinion on this? I would be really grateful for any thoughts....now I have the anxiety on its way, I hate having this lingering on! I want to feel one hundred percent again!!!

Many thanks.

01-03-06, 22:18
ive actually had the same thing as you, i properly have everyones actually lol.
No seriously though i have, and my doctor told me that i had glue ear funny enuff.

Hope you ok love x

ashley xxx

02-03-06, 14:00
Thanks Ashley,
I know that I do not have glue ear, as I have seen my doctor umpteen times about this, and been to see ENT specialist, so I know thats one thing I can rule out.
Anyone else have any ideas?

Ma Larkin
02-03-06, 14:37
Hi rossgirl, do you think it could be tension related? Its great that your palps & general anxiety are on the decrease, but they could be on your mind sub-consciously causing pressure to build up. Are you on any meds? Could it be a side effect? I expect you've ruled out any colds/coughs etc., that sometimes cause a build up of wax & make our ears pop. I was interested in this topic cos for the past 2 weeks I've been saying that there is something wrong with my ears; they constantly feel "muggy" as if I've been to the baths & can't get the water out, yet I haven't had anything to suggest that my ears should be like this. I like you, don't seem too bad in the mornings, but I get this feeling as if some cold liquid is running from my ears to my jaw & it drives me mad as it progresses through the day. I feel like giving my head a really big shake.

Hope it sorts itself out for you soon.


02-03-06, 16:11
HI Lesley,
Thanks for responding. I am not on any medications at all, so it cannot be a side affect of anything. Perhaps the anxiety is still in there, causing me to tense up my neck and thats creating the pressure in my ears / head?Strange stuff tension isn't it? Amazing what it can affect.

02-03-06, 18:41
Do you know , anxiety is extremley extremley powerful...
Do you know i have sat there and felt a little lightheaded and not on purpose ive actually made myself nearly faint, i havnt yet, i pray i dont .. but when i get like that i can stop myself if you undersatnd what i mean, so that just shows that it is in ya head ya know(did i just say that) we think it it happens..eptopic beats i suffer from badley ,well bad onlt started 4 days ago,but boy they are cruel..if i speak about themor think about them all of a sudden i have one, round and round and round we go in circles with this anxiety ..

im so glad that you are feeling a tad better thought thats great news , that means you are breaking the circle , ya nearly out... well done .. wish i was there with ya.
The ear thing can be related to stress ya know, theres so many many smptoms.

ashley xx

april tones
05-03-06, 22:23
hi, i get this! i have fibromylagai and i think tmj too ! it is horrible! ears feel itchy and head feels full,stuffy,itchy ears wih feeling of presure! i have thiught what is it?xx


06-03-06, 08:17
HI Apriltones,Funny that we have exact same symptoms; I too have fibromyalgia. It comes and goes, much worse in wet weather, better when dry and cold like it is now! I find my back and chest to be the worst affected, and consequently my neck tenses up...thats why I asked if anyone had any opinion about dizziness and neck tension. My ears feel just as you described!

Good to know we are not alone!

rossgirl x

april tones
06-03-06, 09:48
intersting! thats why we getting it then! its our fibro! xx
