View Full Version : Bad day

11-09-10, 17:52

I've been feeling quite anxious all day but I've just had a migraine and I've found that recently that sets off a complete and utter panic. It's happened again

I have some diazepam for 'emergencies' but I had some drinks last night so I'm too scared to take it :weep:

I'm just tired of this. Why can't my brain stop thinking like this? How on earth am I meant to undo 6 years of this?

11-09-10, 20:14
I'd calmed down a little and then hubs was stomping around the house and it's set me off again. I'm scared, I don't even know what of but I am.

My daughter deserves better than this

Hazel B
11-09-10, 20:18
Hope you feel better soon. It will pass, I've been through it myself. Look after yourself. I don't know when you last had alcohol but my doc told me not to have Diazepam within hours of drinking booze.

11-09-10, 20:22
I decided against the diazepam.

Just struggling and tired of it :weep:

Hazel B
11-09-10, 20:31
I am so sorry. If you still have the migraine, are you able to go and lie in a dark room? I get them and it's the only thing that helps.

11-09-10, 20:49
I'm trying to calm down with chamomile tea at the moment but not helping a lot.

Problem is I need noise or a distraction when I'm like this so just ended up wearing sunglasses so I'm not alone. Pathetic I know :weep:

Hazel B
11-09-10, 21:01
It's not pathetic, it's what makes you feel safe. Can you listen to some quiet music or radio with headphones?
I'm having to go to bed now, thinking of you and take care.

11-09-10, 22:54
Hi jflower :)

I find that I get really anxious the day after having a few drinks maybe that's what's made you feel worse today?

I feel your pain getting migraines I had a 3 day one at the begining of the week and nothing would shift it that too had my anxiety thru the roof!!

How you feeling now?


11-09-10, 22:57
A little better thank you :)

Not great but the migraine seems to have passed (it's mainly the aura and a headache for a couple of hours afterwards). I get scared taking anything for them but had to today.

I do think I feel more anxious if I've had a few drinks the night before. I've noticed that over the past 6 months or so so having some tea and sworn off wine for some time I think!

11-09-10, 23:33
Glad your feeling better I'm like you don't like taking anything for my migraines but after 3 days I took whatever was available lol

I'm definately off the wine a few weeks ago me and my older sisters had a bit of a party and I drank 2 bottles of wine to myself (I'm not on any meds) felt great at the time until the next day when I couldn't function no hangover just horrible panic and a fear that something was terribly wrong!!!
I'm gonna be t total for the rest of my life me thinks :)
