View Full Version : Totally fed up with not being able to eat

11-09-10, 18:28
I have not been able to eat properly for about 2 weeks now. I just suddenly got anxious one day and bloated and now food doesnt agree with me much anymore.

Nerve tingling, especially in abdomen, stomach and anus
lower abdomen bloating
abdominal pain
hot flushes
random sweats all over body
"hardened" stomach area
Rushes of adrenaline throughout whole body
Weakness and tiredness
Red eyes
Heart pounding harder, feel it in whole body
mental confusion
feeling too hot then too cold

Had tests for:

Blood tests
Blood count
2x Full blood count
2x White cell count

3x Urine tests

All of those came back fine.

Been to A&E 3 times. Also seen the gastroenterologist and he listened to me and said it was ok.

I have been prodded, poked and listened to everywhere with a stethoscope. They also took my BP, temperature and said all that was fine. I also had an ECG and they said that was perfect.

I just dont know what to do. I really really want to be able to eat more but I cant seem to, it just seems like the adrenaline wont go away. I was diagnosed with IBS 10 years a go, thinks were managable with medications for over 9 years then suddenly a change.

Im 6ft4 and want to eat food, i am managing about 900 cals per day and im really lost now, its making me weaker and more depressed. The doctors dont care either and say to eat more.

Hazel B
11-09-10, 19:29
Hello. I have had many of the symptoms you describe and had blood tests, XRays, CT Scan etc. All clear. It seems that all your tests are clear too, my problem is anxiety. I'm not a medic but anxiety can really mess with your body, I could hardly eat either and have lost a lot of weight.
Please find a sympathetic GP, ask the practice manager for someone who will listen.