View Full Version : In a terrible sate.

11-09-10, 19:09
I have just had a terrible panic attack and am still feeling it...

it first started feeling like someone was punching my brain suddenly from the inside and a huge wave of dizzyness came over me then i panic...

my head seems like it is twitching and i have to move alot to keep my hands busy...

it feels like im being dragged back in my head over and over again and the thought of deathe and worry its horrible...

has anyone had this..

im in floods of tears at the moment and feel no help :

11-09-10, 19:14
Hello, try and find any distraction until it passes, i know its not easy to stop thinking about your symptoms but they are feelings and they wont harm you in any way, can you talk to anyone?

11-09-10, 20:09
i have my dad... and the thoughts wont stop its horrible...... does anyone else have those symptoms?

11-09-10, 20:17
Try and distract yourself, sip on a nice cool glass of water.

Everything will be ok, this too will pass.


11-09-10, 20:19
how long do panic attacks last because it seems like they come and go constantly... its horrible... and my head is very ligh headed... the worst fear i keep thinking is brain aneurysm...

11-09-10, 21:38
It's different for everybody, 20mins to an hour, but it can be longer and you can get lots in a row.

Hope you are feeling better now, i know it can feel awful, but it's all anxiety xxx

Fly away Katie
11-09-10, 22:35
Hope you are feeling better now darling. I REALLY felt for you reading all of that. I can totally sympathise. When I have a panic attack I think of the very worst things that could be happening to me, and I get absolutely DESPERATE. I think its the same for all of us. Youl pull through and relax one more :) Lots of hugs your way x x x x x x x