View Full Version : Hi, I'm new

11-09-10, 19:10

Just thought I'd drop in and tell you a little about me, 9 years ago I had a rather nasty car crash (84 mph on a motorway in rush hour) where I span across all four lanes of the motorway and ended up stationary in the slow lane where I was hit head on by an oncoming car, thankfully (and rather miraculously) I came out of that car accident without a scratch, however, that is where my problems started. Since then, I have suffered on and off with panic and anxiety, and have been controlling the bad times with beta blockers when needed. However, this year has been a complete nightmare since the start. In January I started having severe panic attacks again, and random palpitations, I of course went to the doctors who checked me and referred me for an ECG at the hospital, which I had and all was normal, then I got pains in my chest, nervous feelings, all kinds of weird stuff happening, again, referred to the hospital and had 24 hour monitoring, more ECGs and blood tests, everything fine. This went on for a month or so, and I was regularly visiting the doctor who said I was suffering from severe anxiety, but had noticed that my blood glucose was high (9.1), he referred me for a fasting blood test in March this year and that came back at 8.6, I waited a month and was referred for another blood test which came back at 8.1, I was then told I have diabetes type 2. This added to the anxiety and I was run down and feeling very low and shaky. A month later, I developed an abcess behind a tooth and had to have it removed, more trauma, then finally, 2 weeks after that in may, I felt a sharp pain the back of my neck and within minutes my head filled with pressure and my neck was spasming out, I was rushed to hospital and had neurological tests done and was told it wasn't serious and was sent home, the following day it happened again and I went to the doctors and was told my neck muscles are in complete spasm, possibly pressing against my occipital nerves which is causing the weird head pressure and feelings, I was prescibed diazapam and told to take nurofen and stay home and rest and it will clear up in a couple of days.
After 6 weeks I was still the same, couldn't get out of bed as every time I did I had a neck attack and head problem, so went back to the doctors and was referred to an osteopath, was there for 6 weeks and didn't really help, and was put on amitriptyline, which was fine, it got rid of all the symptoms but caused low blood pressure, which I found out after I'd collapsed and was rushed to hospital again. This time I was given an MRI, an MRA and a CT scan, all came back normal. I was at this point referred to a neurologist, and was prescribed baclofen, I had a bad reaction to this drug and couldn't breathe so again was rushed to hospital, again an ECG was performed, and this time (this would have been about my 7th ECG up to now) I was told I'd had a heart attack and was rushed to the on call heart team at another hospital and pumped full of drugs, where they wanted to perform a cardio angiogram on me, which I refused, and told them I had not had a heart attack, I had had a reaction. They put me on a 24 hour monitor and did my heart bloods and low and behold I hadn't had a heart attack. I then spoke to the GP at the hospital as well as my own GP and my Neurologist, all of which have told me that ECGs are temperamental and the blood tests are far more accurate. Since the heart episode, my anxiety escalated and I became convinced I had a heart condition and am now, after all this, suffering from agoraphobia and panic on a daily basis, I started citalopram 10 mg about 16 days ago and although the panic seems to have subsided, I have constant nervousness and muscle tightness/stickiness in the left side of my chest and stomach.
Well, that's about it, I hope you are still awake if you got to this point, I am currently feeling pretty bad and low, feel like I'm not breathing properly on my left side, even though, I know I am, and have a panic attack every time I leave the house for more than 30 minutes.

11-09-10, 19:11
Hi LiquidSky

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
11-09-10, 19:16
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

11-09-10, 19:23
Hello, and welcome :) The Citalopram should really help you, Im currently on 20mg 4 weeks now and they are starting to work, feeling less anxious each day, but still dont go out on mi own yet, but been like that for years. You will get there, this is an excellent site and so friendly :)

11-09-10, 21:09
Thank you all very much for your kind posts and warm welcome :)

paula lynne
11-09-10, 21:15
Welcome!:welcome: wow youve been through the mill...Im agoraphobic myself, I force myself to go out, even if its in the garden...sometimes I get panic attacks, sometimes I dont. Dont give up keep trying..and u mention you get panicked after more than 30 mins...well now youve put a "limit" on your time, you will automatically assume youll get a panic attack after 30 mins, so please try to put the time issue out of your fmind..even if it means not checking the time. best of luck x:yesyes:

Fly away Katie
11-09-10, 22:39
Hello and a warm :welcome: to NMP x x x x x