View Full Version : Help before I crack again - mouth blisters/cancer & indifferent doctor

11-09-10, 20:17
For about four weeks I was on full 'panic' mode and I felt bad 24hours a day - but in the last week I have been almost normal and been able to go out again (this site as helped me loads :))... however I have one thing on my mind and I think if I dont stop worrying about it I will crack again... so

Mouth blisters! I have been having them on/off for a few months and really bad during the last few weeks. I have one now that grew across the whole roof of my mouth and down into my gums - that side of my face is sore to touch. If you look inside my mouth where the blister orginally grew has now turned into a while patch (the size of a 2pound coin - slightly bigger) and the rest of the area is red.

I saw the doctor yesterday - he didn't really know what is was but said it did look infected and gave me some antiB's... he also said it may be caused by my recent panic attacks. He said to come back if it gets worse.

So here I am now - worrying, is this the start of mouth cancer? My grandad died of throat cancer.

Please - could someone put my mind at rest as my doctor didn't:scared15:

Hazel B
11-09-10, 20:27
Make sure you take the anti-biotics, they should help. I am not a doctor but maybe you have been chewing the inside of your mouth without knowing e.g. when you're asleep? If your doctor is unhelpful, please do ask the practice manager for someone more sympathetic. You deserve to be treated with respect.
Also, don't forget that anxiety can mess with our bodies big time, causing no end of physical problems. We don't eat enough either, so maybe you need more vitamins etc? I'm not being patronising just trying to help. How does the tooth feel where the gum is sore? It may be a tooth thing, again I'm not qualified just want to help.
The doctor would have sent you for tests if there was any suspicion that you have anything more serious.

11-09-10, 20:42
If your really worrying about it i would go and see a dentist on monday morning as a emergency just explain to the receptionist whats going on. Dentists are the best to advise you on mouth issues and they will be able to tell you what it is and whats causing it and the best course of action to take, although the antbiotics may just do the trick. If the doctor thought it was anything suspicious they would have voiced their thoughts then and suggested tests etc so im sure its nothing like what your thinking, just probably a nasty infection ....let us know how things go x

11-09-10, 20:53
I too get blood blisters in my mouth which can be extremely painful, my dentist gave me corsodyl mouthwash, and said they can happen from a mild trauma in the mouth like biting the inside of the cheek, but not sure how I got one on the roof of my mouth, maybe something sharp caught it? not quite sure, i dont get them so much any more, but the dentist reckoned they could also be caused by stress/anxiety, I'm on citalopram now as realised I was depressed, I seem to get less now and the ones I do get are small, they dont seems to spread like they used to, but also I realised chocolate to be a trigger.

paula lynne
11-09-10, 20:56
Hi..:) mouth blisters are usually due to your immune system needing a bit of help..your chemist can advise you on some multivits. Anti-bacterial mouthwash can help infection, like cortisol, and bonjela is good and not just for little ones! x:winks:

11-09-10, 23:29
I agree as above about it being to do with your immune system. I work as a Dental Nurse on the Maxillo Facial department. We saw a patient with the exact sane problem. She had been very stressed of late and this along with needing to build up her immune with the correct vitamins was the cause. Please go and see your dentist and get referred to the hospital for peace of mind.


paula lynne
11-09-10, 23:32
Thanks neen, thats what I thought. Get better soon, mouth ulcers are painful, I sympathise x:huh::blush:

12-09-10, 13:56
Thank you all so much.
I have booked a dentist appointment on Weds :)
I do believe it is down to my immune system, - it makes sense - I will try to stop worrying (you know how it is). It actually looks and feels bit better today.
Thank you all again - I feel a whole lot better now for reading your replies :)

Hazel B
12-09-10, 14:00
I am so glad you are feeling OK today. You have done everything you can to help yourself and I'm sure the dentist will reassure you.
Neen has given some great advice and she is a professional. I know it's not easy to stop worrying but you're doing really well.

12-09-10, 14:06
Wow, I really sypathise with you. I have had a lot of problems with my mouth, many caused by stress according to my dentist. I had a virus a month or so ago which caused blisters and ulcers in my mouth :(

I have a couple of suggestions for helping sensitive mouths get on the road to recovery:

-If you suffer from mouth ulcers try changing to a toothpaste which does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate...it's in a lot of regular toothpastes and can irritate your mouth if you're sensitive to it like me.

-Drink soothing herbal teas like echinacea and chamomile, they help soothe your mouth and echinacea is meant to have immune boosting powers (I don't think that's been proven but it's worth a go and helped me get over a mouth infection a few years ago). You can also buy echinacea drops to put into your regular tea.

-Wash your mouth with warm salt water twice a day if you have cuts/ulcers/sore gums etc. Salt has antibacterial qualities and aids healing.

-Keep your mouth clean - brush twice a day! An obvious one that but really important :)

-Eat plenty of fruit and veg and cut down on food which contains saturated fat. Also cut down on spicy foods.

Moonlight X

13-09-10, 17:06
You're not going to believe this Ambers - I've got blisters in my mouth! Theyre up around the gums of my upper back teeth and around the roof of my mouth. Just went to see the dentist and he said they could have been caused by a burn (drinking hot tea/eating something hot) or by trauma in the area.

How are yours doing?

Moonlight Xxx

13-09-10, 18:12
Still there - off to dentist on Wednesday, mine have to be caused by stress as I am getting them non stop. My mouth is really sore and also very dry...sometimes I quite like the pain as it reminds me that my stress is very real and not made up - hope that makes sense, as not having a good day :wacko: