View Full Version : Fatigue & Anxiety...

11-09-10, 21:03
Does anyone else get realllllllyyyy tired (want to sleep all the time or rest) when their health anxiety is at it's peak? When mine was I was exhausted, it took me a good month to fully recovery and regain my energy?:roflmao:

11-09-10, 22:38
Yes, yes and yes! I feel so tired all the time when it's bad. I do have to say though, that it gets a load better if i go for at least a 30min walk a day.

11-09-10, 23:09
The 30 minute walk really does help!! I'd force myself to go for a walk and basically I'd come back with more energy....I wonder why??

paula lynne
11-09-10, 23:56
Hi shazandra...Im constantly tired dut to general anxiety, and after a panic attack, I feel like Ive gone ten rounds with tyson!! Its just your body being frazzled, its hard work this panic lark. Glad you feel better after your walk, its strange how exercise gives us energy while giving us endorphins that fell goo, and, tiring us out a bit. Excellent way to work off adrenaline. keep it up. well done x:hugs:sorry bt spelling...tired but cant sleep!

12-09-10, 09:29
Pretty much the same here.
If I get up at 7am I will be sleepy again by 10am.

12-09-10, 15:32
I'm very tired, even after just a little while after getting up in the morning. I work full time, so by the time I get home and eat, I can barely keep my eyes open. I don't sleep well at night. Up quite often wit hot flashes m (menopause), which makes my pulse go up some, so I have to try to calm myself to get back to sleep. After a panic attack, I am very tired. All the adrenaline pumping through your system makes you very tired.

13-09-10, 03:50
Heya Shazandra,

Ugh I get this all the time. i actually suffer from CFS so it gets horrible. Regular exercise and healthy eating helps tremendously! We get so tired when anxiety hits its peak because the nervous system is so over-active that it is using all of the energy resources in our body to stay so active!

13-09-10, 19:52
I'm glad I'm not the only one! I guess worrying too much can be draining!

Good blog Amiee!! You're right, we hafta have a sense of humour about our issues, it makes it so much easier to accept and live through it!!

eternally optimistic
13-09-10, 20:40
OMG - most definitely.

I have posted on here before about my fatigue, it was awful.

Back in 2007 I was put on citalopram and about 3/4 months after being on them I realised that I wasnt feeling physically ill, either absolutely knackered or having flu like symptoms. Lifting a hairdryer, hoovering, making the bed was almost out of the question. I took the citalopram for anxiety but being on them for just over a year I can honestly say I havent felt that bad since then - I am crossing my fingers.

I still get anxiety but know the tell tale signs and listen to them by taking time out and relaxing.

I do sympathise and hope you start to feel better soon.