View Full Version : friends health help

karen Hargreaves
11-09-10, 21:22
I look after my neighbour who has sceosis sorry about spelling he was in hospital last year was given a week to live but is still here and drinking whisky heavily without food went over to see him today and he's got yellow skin and refuses to see a doctor.http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon8.gif

11-09-10, 22:34
I'm really sorry to hear about your neighbour Karen, terminal illness can be the heavist burden to bear :weep:

Fly away Katie
12-09-10, 17:09
I cant even imagine how it must feel to know death is around the corner. Im sure we here are all terrified of even the thought of that. I think the only thing you can do, is continue to be there for him x x x x x

12-09-10, 17:20
If he refuses to see a doctor but is too ill to live alone you could consider phoning for an ambulance to take him to hospital. If he is jaundiced and still drinking he will probably get to the point of being too drowsy to refuse, and it's a huge burden for a neighbour, in my opinion, to stand by and watch someone die.

(I work in gastroenterology and we do get people sent in at this point fairly often)