View Full Version : Why Do My Arms Keep Going Heavy/Weak and Floppy?!

11-09-10, 21:24
Im petrified! I had a palp just now too and i got head rush with it. I get chest pains and short of breath all the time. Waiting to see cardiologist. I only get this when im resting, and im tryin to stay positive as surely i wouldnt be able to type if this was a real problem?! But saying that i do have to wack the keys really hard as they feel so weak and limp, they dont seem like my arms when i look down at them, and feel very out of body, its so scary :( my arm looks like its someone elses arm thats floppy and it keeps losing feeling and i cant move it properly...im petrified.......do i need an ambulance? I keep feeling very faint :(

11-09-10, 22:41
You're already Offline Crazyhayz, but i hope you feel better soon.

Don't know when your cardiologist appointment is, but i hope it is soon so that it can give you some peace of mind.

13-09-10, 03:47

I get the heavy, floppy arms thing all the time, and the same with my legs. And my legs and arms often feel like they aren't mine when I'm doing things, it's a horrible sensation!! It is really just anxiety, you'll notice that your arms only feel that way because you are anxious over something else. Our muscles tense with anxiety too so this also adds to the heaviness and strange feelings. The way they don't feel like they are your arms is classic dissociation which occurs frequently with anxiety. I know it feels completely terrifying, I've been there! But you will be okay, stay strong :)

13-09-10, 12:22
Oh my god! I didn't know anybody else got this, if you're talking about the same thing that is:
My arms don't feel like they're mine sometimes, sometimes it's like I'm looking at them and making them move but they're someone elses. Sometimes they feel disconnected or like I have no feeling in them but when I touch them I do and it can be really weird and I end up focusing on it and convince myself I can't move them at all when I can.
I even put them above my head and hold them there and move them around just to remind myself I have control over them still.
Scary, is this part of depersonalition/derealisation or just another anxiety symptom?

13-09-10, 12:39
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - when the high anxiety/panic starts to sweep over me...i feel my arms go all numb and tingly but i know this is the bodies reaction to the rush of adrenaline...its is so horrid but it does pass xxxxx

13-09-10, 14:18
Thank u everyone, im hoping it is just anxiety, my boyfriend calmed me down soon after i worte that as i started freakin, but i just want cardiologist to hurry up with my appointment date :( im getting worse n worse :(

13-09-10, 16:47
Thank u everyone, im hoping it is just anxiety, my boyfriend calmed me down soon after i worte that as i started freakin, but i just want cardiologist to hurry up with my appointment date :( im getting worse n worse :(

it's horrible isn't it and really freaky, I can feel it happening sometimes, I'll be lying in bed and I'll feel like I don't have any arms and it just panics me.