View Full Version : heart fears - tests

12-09-10, 04:21
I am 31, slightly overweight. Ex-smoker, non drinker, never used drugs. I have 3 young daughters and am breast feeding. I have been experiencing chest pain, burping, chest coldness, shortness of breath, shoulder pain, back pain, neck pain, numbness and tingling in my hands, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. I have been to the er 4 times had blood work done 5 times, had 4 ekgs, 2 chest x-rays, and a chest ct. They have all been normal My doctor and all the er doctors have diagnosed anxiety. This has been going on since February. I am still certain that there is something wrong. I am concerned about the fact that I have not have an echocardiogram, a stress test, or a heart monitor as many of you have had these tests. I have asked my gp about them and been told that they are not necessary. My cholesterol and blood pressure are also normal. Do you think I need these additional tests before I begin to accept an anxiety diagnosis or is it just the anxiety making me want every test ever invented.

12-09-10, 06:18
Hi and welcome to the site.
You need whatever you think you need to rule out everything else and then the only other option is to accept and work on getting the information and strategies you need to battle the anxiety.
If your cholesterol, blood pressure, ekgs, and CTs have all come out clear then there isn't much chance it's heart related.
Please read the help pages on the left of the screen and you can also search for your symptoms on here (DON'T GOOGLE - it's the enemy for anxiety sufferers).
Keep posting!
I know you will find lots of info and a bunch of supportive new friends here.

12-09-10, 07:01
The problem with all medical tests is that they're never 100% accurate. The more you have, the more you're likely to get a false positive (telling you that you've got heart disease when you don't) or a false negative (reassuring you that you're OK when you aren't). This is especially the danger in stress testing, which has shown to be very unreliable, paryicularly for young women.

So I'd suggest you try and accept and learn to cope with your anxiety for a year, and if you're still having symptoms to return to your doctor only then.

12-09-10, 15:57
A lot of us who have had some tests done, still have the anxiety over it even though the tests are normal.

12-09-10, 17:16
Personally speaking I would say that the tests you have had so far are honestly enough, coupled with the fact that you have not had heart problems when pregnant or giving birth, which is a huge strain on the heart.

Your symptoms are almost identical to mine, though a lot of mine have now vanished after I accerpted they were anxiety related. (not immediately but over time)

Try and trust your GP and yourself. You are healthy and fine. xxx

13-09-10, 01:44
It would seem everything is fine, when i explained to my cardiologist that im still very worried she organised several tests for me just to put my mind at ease which it did (sort of), there's no harm in asking the question especially if its going to make life that little bit more comfortable for you.