View Full Version : earthquake

12-09-10, 05:44
Hi hope I'm writing in the right place. My head not working too good at moment. Writing from christhchurch (nz) where we have had a 7.1 earthquake. As you can imagine the anxiety levels have hit the highest level possible. The aftershocks are totally doing my head in and am constantly shaking and a nervous wreck. Am worried it will start to affect my health as they say aftershock could continue for months. Interesting how some people taking it in there stride where others a mess. No body hurt and my home marginally ok (piles have sunk and chimney down). An experience I would wish on no one. Feel like I am over reacting but know that my naturally nervous disposition is in over-drive. A living nightmare..

12-09-10, 06:03
I'm so sorry you had to go thru this!!
How scary!!
Thank God you are ok!
Of course you are upset and nervous!
I can't imagine going thru an earthquake.
I'm in the Midwest US. We don't get many earthquakes here ;)
Like you said tho, some people who live in places where they happen from time to time take it in stride and some it bothers more.
I don't blame you for being upset and hope that there aren't many aftershocks!
Thinking of you and sending you (((HUGS)))

12-09-10, 13:22
Hi Lava,

Yikes! :scared15:
That must’ve been terrifying. I’m glad to hear that nobody was hurt and you’re ok. And no, I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. In fact I bet there’s a good many non-anxiety sufferers who are feeling just like you are.

“Interesting how some people taking it in there stride where others a mess.”

Quite often a person seems to rise to the challenge when facing a crisis like this and gets totally caught up in the ‘dealing with it’. But when the immediate emergency has been dealt with and they have chance to reflect on it, that’s when it sometimes hits them.

“Hi hope I'm writing in the right place.”

Would you like one of the Admins to move it to the Anxiety Forum?

Take care,

Vanilla Sky
12-09-10, 17:33
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

blue moon
12-09-10, 21:47
Hi Lava.I moved to Aus from Iran ,where we have a lot of earthquakes and can understand how you feel,I feel safer here in Aus.I am pleased you are Ok,i have been watching it on the news.Take care.
Petra x:flowers:

paula lynne
13-09-10, 00:02
Welcome :hugs:hope you are feeling better now xx:hugs:

13-09-10, 02:15
thanks for the support. nerves still shot, just had another aftershock as I was writing this. One good that has come is the way the community has pulled together. Makes my other problems seem fairly insignificant in the light of what is happening.
social phobia out the window as people band together for comfort..

13-09-10, 09:45
hi lava

i can understand a bit how you must feel, i was in greece when there was an earthquake of 6.1 i was totally terrified and ran out of the hotel, i knew i was going to have to go back in a sleep there that night, my anxiety rocketed, and i didnt know how i was going to get through the rest of the time i was there, the locals most of whom were totally unfazed by it all, the building had very minimal damage, but it was certainly an experience, went back to one of the greek islands the following year on holiday, and guess what, the same thing happened they had another one :scared15: , this one i think was a slighly lower reading on the richter scale , but scarey never the less, i was lucky that i could come home, its differerent if it is somewhere that is home.
It must be very hard to try to relax with so many after shocks.
Just to say i am thinking of you, and hope it all settles down really soon xx