View Full Version : PCOS and anxiety!?!?!

12-09-10, 15:02
firstly, i know i start alot of threads on here, its because there are a number of things i question and always something new im worrying about. i been having such a bad week.!!
i have trying to work out a cause for all these irrational thoughts. it driving me mad. i have polycystic ovary syndrome, and i wondered if any women out there have it and if so did you notice an increase in anxiety? they put me on metformin to control my hormones but i thought they made me worse so i now have nothing. i feel like less of a women! alot of complications come with this condition.i worry i may never have children or feel normal agian..i wonder if all these various things could be contributing on top of me been anxious. hormones do funny things to us ..lol and with pcos i can end up feeling pmt all month long sometimes. i am so unhappy and miserable!! i dont cry all the time but i feel i want to just to release some of my tension. i cant go on like this anymore. so i just grabbing at straws really. wondering if all this could be to do with hormone levels effecting my brain. i feel insane and just want to enjoy life but im so scared, i cant see a future or imagine getting older. i just cant take anymore.!!!!
if anyone has similar please write back. xthank youx

12-09-10, 16:38
Hi there, I have PCOS too sadly, i take metformin and i have also had to increase the dose because my blood sugars have gone up! Im anxious alot of the time and always seem to fear the worse. I have noticed that I am much more snappy and tired, wandering because i get loose stools on metformin too. Hope your ok, let me know how ure getting on :)

12-09-10, 22:09

I have pcos also. I am having terrible anxiety at the moment and read pcos has anxiety has one of its symtpoms.

I know we worry about having children with this condition but it can happen. I had my daughter who is now 10

mandie x

12-09-10, 22:10
firstly, i know i start alot of threads on here, its because there are a number of things i question and always something new im worrying about. i been having such a bad week.!!
i have trying to work out a cause for all these irrational thoughts. it driving me mad. i have polycystic ovary syndrome, and i wondered if any women out there have it and if so did you notice an increase in anxiety? they put me on metformin to control my hormones but i thought they made me worse so i now have nothing. i feel like less of a women! alot of complications come with this condition.i worry i may never have children or feel normal agian..i wonder if all these various things could be contributing on top of me been anxious. hormones do funny things to us ..lol and with pcos i can end up feeling pmt all month long sometimes. i am so unhappy and miserable!! i dont cry all the time but i feel i want to just to release some of my tension. i cant go on like this anymore. so i just grabbing at straws really. wondering if all this could be to do with hormone levels effecting my brain. i feel insane and just want to enjoy life but im so scared, i cant see a future or imagine getting older. i just cant take anymore.!!!!
if anyone has similar please write back. xthank youx
Hi Holly I have PCOS too although I am near to the menopause now. Metformin was not available when I was in my twenties. As far as I know it is supposed to improve ovulation. You might still be able to conceive and have a child. It is important to be under the care of a fertility specialist and have been seen by an endocrinologist. You might need help to conceive in the form of fertility drugs or fertility treatment like IVF. This can be extremely stressful in itself but someone with PCOS produces multiple follicles which if stimulated could potentially ovulate.This could be extremely dangerous. Without help it is unlikely that you will become pregnant. In saying that I gave birth to my son in 1998 via IVF.

14-09-10, 14:58
thank you for your comments. i suppose i am looking for an answer to why i feel anxious all the time!! lol.. i went to the doctor yesterday and she was very understanding about my anxiety and then i mentioned that having pcos may not be helping. all the hormones, making me miserable then that causing more anxious thoughts. ...its horrible and so frightening the stuff i think about. ...
she has put me on DIANETTE!!. ive never taken it before. do any of you take it for pcos?? i trying to research it and questioning what it can cause long term but i suppose they would not give it to so many people if it was that likely to get side effects. my hope is that it balences my hormones and makes my life happier in general. i guess its worth a try. im desperate at the moment so ill try anything right now. xx

14-09-10, 16:01
Hi Holly I was prescribed the contraceptive pill in the past for my PCOS. It will not cure the problem as your symptoms will still be there when you stop taking it. It will mask the problem but might also provide you with some breathing space. It will ensure that you have regular bleeds and prevent ovulation. When you stop taking it it can take a while for ovulation to start again. I'm not sure wheter it will help your anxiety or not. It unfortunately did nothing for mine. EJ.