View Full Version : anyone else feel like I do?

12-09-10, 15:56
i sometimes get like 'what's the point in anything it all seems dark and depressing, as in life itself'

i also know deep down in my head my breathing is fine i been told by many doctors and nurses but i still get nervous when i get chesty and tightness and short of breath and get panic attacks and i feel quite emotional that when i feel okay i fear i will lose control of my thoughts and get panicky over my breathing yet i can run miles and feel okay...

also when theres alot of people around me makes it worse // ie shopping or on a bus

anyone recommend anything I can do to help this? is this common?

also is it a mental illness?

12-09-10, 17:05
Elliot, it sounds as if you have anxiety, as many of us here do. Have you spoken with your GP about the way you feel, as there is help you can get, perhaps medication or therapy.

Fly away Katie
12-09-10, 17:08
i sometimes get like 'what's the point in anything it all seems dark and depressing, as in life itself'
I cant toally relate to this, I feel like it now. Im fed up of anxiety day after day. Some days I dont want to wake up (however morbid that sounds)Your not alone :hugs::hugs::hugs:

12-09-10, 18:43
i know too... it feels like the colour has been taken out my world :(

Fly away Katie
12-09-10, 19:24
Same Ellie, same. Couldn't describe it better myself darl x x x x

14-09-10, 03:55
hi there!! your defo not alone in the thought. i never used to get like this...everything is so strange around me so i can relate to this. if something doesnt change i fear i will go crazy!!!! so depressed by the whole thing. xxxx

15-09-10, 21:49
there is hope!!! i was the same but i went to docs and am now on sertraline they are an SSRI which is a selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor also known as an anti depressant which is also for anxiety and panic disorders as well as ocd's i do have the odd down day till the tablets kick in but generally speaking they have changed my life for the better. Dont be afraid or ahamed, go to the docs and tell him your symptoms and they will help you. i hope you all feel better soon x:hugs: