View Full Version : Black mold

12-09-10, 17:45
I have specs of it all around my window, heard it can cause alot of the things I experience like nausea and fatigue, should I be worried? How do I get rid of it?X

12-09-10, 17:46
I doubt it causes anything! It is a sign of dampness and poor ventillation thats all. Clean it off with a cloth using warm water with a cup or vinegar in it.

Hazel B
12-09-10, 17:48
My windows are the old fashioned aluminium ones and this happens with them, it's damp.
The vinegar suggestion is brill, I also use tea tree oil (oil or the wipes you can buy) as it is antibacterial.

Fly away Katie
12-09-10, 17:50
I watched how to get rid of that on 'How clean is your house' :D Yupp.. defothe warm water and acidy vinegar :) x x x

paula lynne
12-09-10, 17:52
open the windows, wash your hands, weak bleach solution...then a good wipe down with cooled boiled water....and a good wipe every month. x:blush:

13-09-10, 01:39
without being the one to pee every one off my flat had severe mould a few years ago and it can cause illness if left untreated however it has to be sporess and 2 doctors told me that you know when your ill from it because you are very very ill-chest infections etc but it can be treated with antibiotics. With regards cleaning it I was advised not to use bleach as with certain moulds this can create a hazadous gas but as you dont know which mould type it is I would stay away from bleach- I simply used washing up liquid and water-it was hard work but it did the job.

13-09-10, 05:19
Hey guys,

Like Davey mentioned, moulds can cause illness and fatigue, it's quite common (but don't worry yet!). People (like me, yippeeee) also have mild allergies to mould which can cause reactions like fatigue and nausea. The little specks you have mentioned though are nowhere near the intensity required to make you physically ill though, so DO NOT WORRY despite what myself and Davey have said.

I would suggest using a very strong mix of vinegar. Pour pure vinegar into a spray bottle and spray it onto the mould and just leave it to soak for a while, as long as you can bear the smell! :) Tea tree oil and grape-seed extract are also very good at battling mould, but can be expensive.