View Full Version : waking like I have a hangover

paula lynne
12-09-10, 17:58
With general anxiety, I accept the tiredness, but waking up after a poor nights sleep night after night and feeling like the worst hangover in the world is getting me down. Im 39 and look 50. Any tips?? xx:ohmy:

Hazel B
12-09-10, 18:03
Are you taking any meds? I had Diazepam for a few nights and that did make me wobbly in the morning, it takes a while to get out of your system.
I wake up anxiuos so can't advise on feeling hungover, sorry.

paula lynne
12-09-10, 18:06
Hi hazel...I take meds for bp and cholesterol thats all. Have been off the valium for over 9 years now. x:ohmy:

Hazel B
12-09-10, 18:11
I am sure it's just tiredess as your body is waking up, you could always mention it next time you see your doctor.
Hope you sleep well tonight.

12-09-10, 22:23
i suffer the same problem and if i do have a drink the night before it trebles the symptoms - chest pains, tembling, dry mouth, pins and needles.

i do find a hot water bottle helps my chest short term.

i am on dizapem but dont feel they make much difference

I was on amitryptline for 5 years but was taken off it in may and have felt worse ever since, though i do have a spare pack and took 1 last night and had my 1st nights uninterupted sleep in weeks so am thinking about askin dr about putting me back on them

paula lynne
12-09-10, 22:29
Thanks for your advice, Im glad you have some sleep! x Yes, sometimes I cave in and have a bottle of wine...then really do wake with a hangover...but you are so right, it makes everything ten times worse. I guess my systems just tired from constant anx and adrenaline rushing around. xx:blush: