View Full Version : Im having a bad Morning

02-03-06, 09:48

rather than pace the floor and get stressed out i thought i would come on the PC, while listening to my relaxation music.
I am supposed to be at work, its begining to be a big problem for me.
I have had a little cleaning job 5 minutes from where i live and have managed to drive there, but unfortunatley for me the office as moved to a town 7 miles away, i cant drive out of my own town but thought i would be able to get a taxi. I have always used my car as a safe zone(i know i can get home quickly if i begin to feel unwell), friends have offered to run me to work but i dont like to put on them and also i feel as if i should be able to get to work by myself. Im afraid to ring the taxi as i feel if i become unwell i am trapped in the taxi. I dont want to stop work as i have made so much progress in the last few years and i know if i spend time at home i will go down hill again.

Any advice would be great.


andrew england 2
02-03-06, 10:43
hello honey bee

sorry to hear your troubles this day - yes I do have advice based on my own experience - take the offer of friends running you to work - you may feel you are putting on them but each day you dont go to work you will slide a little further back - I left my job in oct with the intention of taking time out to sort myself out once and for all - it was the worst thing I ever did - I started on a slippery slope and things just got worse - so pls for urself take the help you have been offered and continue to build ur confidence up and who knows as ur confidence improves you may find a job closer to home or have the confidence to drive there - I know its not great advice but I just wish I hadnt left my job cos there is nothing worse for anxiety than dwelling on it - hugz honey bee x

02-03-06, 11:06
Hi Andrew

Thankyou very much for your good advice which i have taken and telephoned a Aunt (in Tears)who is coming to collect me and take me to work, i hate been upset like this but realise i have to keep trying.

Once again



andrew england 2
02-03-06, 11:11

If you think of it like a game of tennis you have just served an ace against anxiety - today u win :-) well done :-)

02-03-06, 20:13
Hi Andrea

Well done for getting to work.

I hope it went ok and you are feeling alright this evening.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-03-06, 23:01
Thankyou for your kind replies,

My Aunt did pick me up and run me to work and i was still in tears when i got there, i was 3 hours late (its a good job i work for her son!) they are really good to me and understand and have given me a chance to work. To be honest when i got there i just wanted to come home, the dizzyness just wouldnt go away, but 2 hours later i was working like a trooper and the dizziness had passed. I sat at home for 3 hours this morning with my coat on ready to go to work, the terrible thoughts just wouldnt go away " What if i pass out while driving", "What if i cant get home in a hurry!" I am chuffed to bits tonight that i managed to get to work !! I could have quite easily given in and not gone! I Cant thankyou enough for your encouraging words!! Just like you said Andrew i won the against the anxiety today!!!!!!!!!!


02-03-06, 23:10
Good for you

Thats great news indeed and you certainly did win today !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-03-06, 23:19
Excellent news Andrea. Well done for going and for recognising how well you did to get there and to stay.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-03-06, 23:27

You went in that is the best thing. Give yourself credit you could have not gone in and carried on pacing the floor, that is my biggest habit, when feeling anxious i think i walk a marathon in my living room.

It isnt easy but you didnt shy away from it, remember that.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".