View Full Version : DVT worries again...

12-09-10, 18:22
Okay so guys, really need your opinion on this situation.

I'm on the pill yasmin and have posted about this a few times. I've had pain in my left calf on and off recently. I am mega worried about this of course. I recently had blood tests done and they were fine but I would imagine a blood clot would not show up in these tests.

I have been on the pill for just over a year now and it has cleared my skin up perfectly (I had acne before) and has helped my periods greatly.
I really don't want to come off of it because of these things but I am so worried that I have a blood clot and it is going to travel to my lung and kill me.

Should I go to a&e tonight or just wait to get a doctor's appointment tomorrow??

12-09-10, 19:09
Hey how it going I really don’t know anything about the pills your taking but I’m glad they helped.

But look I feel I have to reply before you do send your self of to A&E for having a sore leg, I guess you have already googled blood clot & I guess you spend a lot of time searching the internet for answers? Sitting or lying around tapping on the computer all day looking for answers, I know what it’s like but like me you will have to learn to just stop trying to self diagnose for all the major illnesses I thought I had. Guess what Ive never been right, not to say I may not become ill some day but then I will deal with it as I have no choice.

You have to think rationally about this... A sore leg does not mean blood clot & no doctor in the world is going to entertain this..Believe me... Im no doctor & you know your body better but I have to tell you I get pains & aches in my body all the time just my body telling me to stop sitting about all day googling rubbish.

Anyway whatever you do I hope you can take some comfort from my message.

12-09-10, 20:20
I've worried about DVT on many occasions and have got so worked up about it that I went to A&E, the doctor had a poke about and then did a blood test and said everything was fine and the pain was muscular. I felt so stupid after because there were people in A&E with me that had real illnesses and I was there with a pulled muscle!

Some blood tests can tests for clots. (D Dimer is what they're called)
Why did you get the blood test?

If your leg starts to swell or turn blue then go A&E but otherwise relax at home and try and take your mind off it. :)

12-09-10, 22:19
I've worried about DVT on many occasions and have got so worked up about it that I went to A&E, the doctor had a poke about and then did a blood test and said everything was fine and the pain was muscular. I felt so stupid after because there were people in A&E with me that had real illnesses and I was there with a pulled muscle!

Some blood tests can tests for clots. (D Dimer is what they're called)
Why did you get the blood test?

If your leg starts to swell or turn blue then go A&E but otherwise relax at home and try and take your mind off it. :)

I had a blood test because I felt dizzy and thirsty all the time and thought that I had diabetes. Do you think they tested for blood clots then? Because they took about 4 tubes of it for various things?

My leg hasn't swollen and I haven't been to a&e but I am waking up early tomorrow so that I can book a doctor's appointment for tomorrow :( I'm so worried I probably won't be able to sleep.

12-09-10, 22:26
Thinking about staying awake all night because I'm too scared to fall asleep in case I die in the night if the blood clot travels to my lung :( HELPPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

12-09-10, 22:43
Thinking about staying awake all night because I'm too scared to fall asleep in case I die in the night if the blood clot travels to my lung :( HELPPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

this seriously sounds like me...

12-09-10, 23:13
i swear the pain is getting worse!

13-09-10, 14:29
I had a blood test because I felt dizzy and thirsty all the time and thought that I had diabetes. Do you think they tested for blood clots then? Because they took about 4 tubes of it for various things?

My leg hasn't swollen and I haven't been to a&e but I am waking up early tomorrow so that I can book a doctor's appointment for tomorrow :( I'm so worried I probably won't be able to sleep.

They probably did check, obviously I can't be certain but I would say they did.

Your leg is probably sore because of a pulled muscle or something. Clots are fairly rare in young people and ifyou had one the area would be hot, swelled and blue in colour.

If you find yourself not being able to function because you are over worried about it then maybe you're better off going to A&E just so your mind can rest and you will know then if you get another pain in your leg in the future that it's not a clot.

Hope you feel better soon. :)

16-09-10, 12:06
Hi guys,
An update on my situation:

Well I went to my GP a few days ago, I didnt actually go to A&E in the end, talked myself out of it (Proud of myself for that).

The GP isn't my usual one so I thought she would take me seriously unlike my other one who sees me all the time. She told me to take my leggings off etc so I did and as soon as I did that, I stood up in front of her and she said right away "Well, its definatley not a clot". How can she be sure by just looking at me?! Anyway she put my leg onto her lap and began touching it and prodding it, then she pushed my foot backwards so it was pointing towards my chest if you know what I mean. After this, she basically said it is a muscle strain more than anything. She also went through statistics with me of people that have died from blood clots and tried to make me see that young people like me i.e. under 24 years old are the least likely to die, especially as I do not smoke and I'm not overweight.

This put my mind at rest for about an hour, but then when I got back home my leg was hurting again and it felt worse than before.

Last night I was woken from my dream by a severe cramp in my foot/calf. And now today my leg is very painful on one side and feels tight and sharp as if I've done some kind of damage but I haven't done any exercise or anything lately.
I'm really worried again and I don't want to go back to the doctors again! What should I do?
What if she had missed something or wasnt looking properly because I am young!
Lots of people dont have any symptoms at all, let alone the swollen, red and hot leg. Please help me, I'm driving myself insane.