View Full Version : Fed up

12-09-10, 19:30
The past several years I have convinced myself I've had cancer, HIV, blood clots the works but I can't stop obsessing about my stomach.
Every month I get worried sick that I am pregnant even though I am on the pill and I make sure it gets taken to the exact same minute of every day without fail! This has been going on for at least 2 years and has gotten to the stage where I don't want my boyfriend near me most of the time incase something goes wrong with my pill or condoms. I often force my stomach inwards and press it in as far as I can to see if I can feel anything as well as standing infront of the mirror side on and checking for a bump. I always get my period but then worry about stories I have read where really slim people give birth without knowing they are pregnant and have never missed a period.

A lot of this stems from the IBS I suffer from as I constantly feel bloated and uncomfortable and I've spent the past 4 years in and out of hospitals for countless acid reflux tests, endoscopys and concoctions of tablets to reduce my stomach pain. As of yet they still haven't found a reason for it all but yet I'm still convinced that they are missing something.

Has anyone else ever worried about anything like this? I feel like I'm going mad! :weep:

12-09-10, 20:27
You're not going mad Lexy.

Having IBS can really bloat you, making you "look" pregnant, and the gas moving around inside you can very much feel like a baby kicking! Don't worry, loads of women on hormonal birth control get that - i do on the implant too. The chances of you being pregnant are so slim if you are taking the pill regularly, especially if you are getting a monthly bleed.

Have you spoken to your bf about it?

My doctor is sure that my stomach problems are from acid, but i think they're missing something too. It's really frustrating.

12-09-10, 20:42
Thanks for that. I have talked to him a little bit but he doesn't know the full extent. My worrying frustrates him a lot and I would still worry about it regardless of how much I talk about it

Fly away Katie
12-09-10, 20:55
I know how you feel *sighs* theres something not right with my belly too :( x x x x