View Full Version : pms, girls only

becks xxx
12-09-10, 21:02
I've been doing so well these past weeks, now it's pms week and i feel like rubbish. just as i was beginning to see a point in things again, im now in a low mood, snapping at everyone and nothing will make me smile/cheer me up. is there anything i can take for this? no way can i carry on like this every month :( or im just going to keep getting knocked back x

12-09-10, 21:11
A good vit B complex and evening primrose oil will help You need high doses of evening primrose about 400mg 3xaday .It also helps to cut out tea coffe dairy products including choc and alcohol for 10days a month .Try doing that for 3months ,it should improve .Or Citalopram 10mg works .good luck Sue .x

becks xxx
12-09-10, 22:09
Thanks!! Will give it a try, also will Citalopram have to be taken just this week or something id have to take everyday? Becks xxx

13-09-10, 10:39
i would also be interested in things i can take to help this as its getting me so down lately and seems to take longer and longer to get back to normal, whatever normal might be which im not realy sure about anymore.

13-09-10, 11:15
Citalopram is something you have to be prescribed, and needs to be built up in does, then reduced in dose, gradually. I wouldn't recommend it for taking as-and-when for PMS. If you haveanxiety issues though it might be worth getting prescribed it, to help with both issues all over.

During my time of the month my mood, energy levels and anxiety issues can be all over the place. Try to keep to a good sleep pattern; if in doubt, go to bed early and give yourself more time than you need for sleep. That way you will wake up naturally feeling more refreshed. Eat plenty of nuts and seeds, plenty of fruit and drink loads of water. I find that cutting out or reducing my meat intake during my monthlies helps a lot as well.

If you're feeling low, make sure you don't stress about the small stuff. If you feel awful and lethargic, there is nothing wrong with letting the housework wait and spending the weekend relaxing and taking care of yourself.

If you're not taking any meds for anxiety issues the good news is you can safely take supplements to help - calming teas like chamomile, lavender, valerian and rosehip for example.

becks xxx
13-09-10, 12:53
I have a doctors appointment later to see what they say, but im thinking of cancelling. I get worked up about the doctors as it is, and what they would prescribe would probably be an anti-anxiety medication but i really dont want this. I've said all along with my anxiety im going to overcome it myself, without medication.. i've been so close to cracking before when ive been so low, but lately been doing so well on my own an really dont think i should let pms break that

I think im just going to try more exercise and more healthy eating and lots of fruit and water as you said BunnyMazonas. About an hour ago, i actually started to feel a bit better and questioned that maybe i don't even have pms?! Maybe because ive had a few bad days before round that time, i've just said pms, now that time every month i work myself up? Could this be possible?

The calming teas that you mentioned, are they any good? cos im not on meds.

13-09-10, 14:53
Herbal teas for stress relief can be excellent. I used to take them before I started my meds and you'd be amazed how effective they can be. You can get some calming teas like chamomile from supermarkets; the trick is to brew it strong. I would generally take 2 teabags per cup, and let it stew in the cup until it turned dark in colour. Or you can buy special herbal mixes online. Some I can recommend are:

hops (yes, the same stuff as in beer!)
chamomile (from any supermarket)
st john's wort
wild lettuce
rosehip and hibiscus (can get from sainsburys)

If you go in Boots you can get a load of herbal supplements in theirpharmacy section, including valerian and st john's wort, if you would rather not drink them as tea.

you can make up a small fabric pillow and stuff it with hops and lavender, lay your head on it for a nap and it will help send you off; hops is really good for sending you off. So much so that in the olden days hops pickers used to suffer from "hop picker sickness" when they would fall off their ladders due to falling asleep! Also nice to just rub against and smell when feeling stressed as it can calm you down, too.

When taking a bath, get an old knee-length stocking and stuff it with porridge oats and one or more of the above herbs; whichever you like the smell of best. Hang it off the tap to let the water run through it as it fills the bath, then use it like a scrubbie and massage it all over your body with hot water.

If you go to www.etsy.com (http://www.etsy.com) and search for calming herbal teas, you'll find loads of varieties of homemade tea blends you can try, to help you find the ones you'll enjoy the best.

fennel tea is another really good one; it has a slightly spicy, licqourice flavour, and is very good for calming and settling nerves and mood. One of my favourites, although I find I need to add a little sugar or honey to it as it can be a little bitter.

becks xxx
13-09-10, 21:58
Thanks so much for all of that!!!!!!! Will def try some out, thankyou
but guys im really worrying :( i no i shouldn't but i've been googling!!
Thing is, with the anxiety-even on bad days i can push myself through lately, even when i wake up and think 'i cant do this' im able to tell myself i definately can and i will and wont let this thing beat me
however the week before my period it's just unbearable!!!! i cannot push myself at all. Now im worried i have PMDD. and i was googling and links have been shown between anxiety disorders and PMDD :(

13-09-10, 22:21
Thanks!! Will give it a try, also will Citalopram have to be taken just this week or something id have to take everyday? Becks xxx

This would need to be taken every day .If its only for anx and pms you wouldnt necessarily need a higher dose than 20mg maybe just 10mg .Id try the alternative approach first tho .Side effects from meds the first month arent always nice .But it can be worth it if nothing else works for you . Sue x

14-09-10, 11:01
Oh Becks, I am exactly the same. I get so down and dread it!

I had a coil put in 6 months ago, hoping it would help but it didn't. In fact the blinking thing came out yesterdy!

I get so down, it's like the end of the world for me! :weep:

Some good advice on here though thanks guys.

I've been doing so well these past weeks, now it's pms week and i feel like rubbish. just as i was beginning to see a point in things again, im now in a low mood, snapping at everyone and nothing will make me smile/cheer me up. is there anything i can take for this? no way can i carry on like this every month :( or im just going to keep getting knocked back x

becks xxx
14-09-10, 22:34
Cor how much do we have to go through girls!!!! Least we're not alone,
im not sure about any of you- but around this time, it's when i start to doubt things again? It's when i start to question if i have anxiety, if it's something more, feel like im going mad, everything i felt when i first started with anxiety
And the scariest thing i've noticed this month is my moods, 1 minute im like i really cant do this anymore, it's too much, cant handle it
then i go to an okayish mood, where im able to find things funny and have a bit of a laugh, i also feel blunt? Now im really scared, does anyone else have this? i keep getting little thoughts thinking i could be bipolar?! not the first time ive had that thought! But anyone else get this?!!!??!?!!?!
I agreed with my counsellor earlier to try meds, so they'll take the edge off of the bad days and help me with this week, do you think ive made the right decision x

paula lynne
14-09-10, 22:56
Hiya, severe pmt is very disabling, and feeds anxiety, which makes you feel worse, and feeds anxiety and so it continues. I think trying meds sounds like a good idea for you, hope you get better soon! x:hugs: