View Full Version : I dont like to be a burdon

Granny Primark
12-09-10, 22:49
I dont need sympathy. I just want to know if anyone else feels a burdon on their family cus of their anxiety?
My anxiety and the depression that im in at the mo is at its highest. I never feel truly happy. But what makes me feel so unhappy is the effect its having on my family.

paula lynne
12-09-10, 22:56
Hi Lynn...nice to meet you. Yes. I feel the same. Became ill two weeks after marrying my hubby kev, and havent been normal since then, 14 years ago, I feel a burden at times, but try to cope most of the time myself. I even begged him for a divorce and told him he deserved a "normal" wife. He looked at me like I was a nutter..haha...and said he loved me whatever. I think its normal what you are feeling, but rest assured, the people who care about us and love us do so regardless...i:winks:

Granny Primark
12-09-10, 23:06
thanks paula. xx
I just wonder how I can be the person that was always so much fun and that my kids depended on me.

paula lynne
12-09-10, 23:09
That person is still in there somewhere, dig a little deeper and let her out...x Why dont you plan some trips/days out/cinema..or do something as a family and surprise yourself by trying something new.xx:winks:

12-09-10, 23:09
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!

i have this feeling that i am such a burden and boring the socks of everyone....i feel so for my daughter, my husband, friends etc etc etc....the list could go on and on and on.

i just want to be ME....but not this ME....i dont like her that much and she is boring me! ......maybe tomorrow she might be gone....and the fun loving girl i loved so much might be back....i know she has gone on holiday but i want her to return asap xxxxx

paula lynne
12-09-10, 23:13
I find a G and T and a bit of chaka khan works wonders!! haha...no..seriously...do something that scares you or something youve always wanted too...you may just shock yourself, and your family! You are not a burden. They love you, anxiety and all...x:D

Granny Primark
12-09-10, 23:19
calm i so understand that.
I was such a different person and always up for a challenge.
I feel guilty for everything.
There are times when I feel like giving up cus my family dont understand and im ridden with guilt.
The old lynn used to have a sense of humour.

paula lynne
12-09-10, 23:22
Im sooo different to before too, I understand you. I feel like you, but every once in a while, I do something and it proves to me that underneath, Im still that girl....good luck with some new adventures!!!:hugs: