View Full Version : This may seem crazy to some! Worried about family dying?

12-09-10, 23:11
I haven't got much family left-
Never had a mother or father and was raised by my grandparents; my grandma died of cancer when I was 5, leaving my grandfather (who I refer to as dad) to look after me, plus his 2 sons, one who killed himself when I was 8 years old :weep:

Anyway, I have an irrational fear that I'm going to find him dead one day. It absolutely terrifies me.

This only started occuring when I found a friend of mine outside her house going frantic, claiming she couldnt wake her dad up even tho his eyes were open but he wasnt breathing...
I walked into the house to see her father dead on the sofa. It was such an horrific thing to see.

Anyway I have these irrational thoughts that my dads going to die, it's so bad at times that I dont sleep.
He's staying with me in my house at the moment, i'm not afraid to admit that I couldnt do without him and I dont ever wanna be on my own (even tho I have 2 young children)

Each night I pray to god that all will be well and healthy- I even find myself gettin up at night and checking that everyones ok, alive and well.
I also obsess over his blood pressure and take it whenever I get the opportunity.
He doesnt know just how much I worry about him- i'm so afraid of him dying that I dream things up in my head. For example if he goes to the shop and is gone a long time, i'll worry something terrible has happened to him.
I wish I wasnt like this and I really do wanna get some help for it but i'm convinced people will think i'm insane or something...

I worry more about my dad dyin than I do about my own health.
I did tell the dr once and he said it's because of the things i've gone thru whilst growing up. Still, thats not very comforting... was it comforting is knowing im not the only one like this.

This is the first time I've spoke about this with anyone other than people who truly know me and even then they dont know all of it.

12-09-10, 23:16

my mother-in-law is such a wonderful, loving and giving person who when i was seriously ill four years ago....stepped in and helped me look after kerrylouise who was 9 then - four years on she is here helping and looking after us all....she is such a trooper and i would be lost without her.

if my mother-in-law is late coming over...i panic...i think that she may of been in a car crash etc.....if she does not call i think oh my god she has collapsed....if she does forgets to ring when she gets home from our house i panic....i just love her oh so much!

so NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you are not silly....we just love them xxxxx

paula lynne
12-09-10, 23:18
Hi nice to meet you..you had a terrible shock seeing your friends dad dead like that...maybe that was the start of it all...poor thing. x Its natural to worry about losing those closest to us, and eventually we will have to face a day when we do. I recently lost my mum...:weep: However, spend lots of quality time with your dad, tell him you love him, enjoy each other..and maybe your closest friend would be a good place to start with the rest of the story that you havent told anyone. xxx :winks:

12-09-10, 23:20
These fears I have stop me sleeping at night tho :(
I worry that if my dad goes out and is gone a while, he's fallen over and hurt himself or been hit by a car.

If he tells me his leg hurts I swear its DVT- i've even started worrying about his heart because he has a slow pulse (hes on blood pressure meds which can slow your heart down) but im convinced its bradycardia and that he's just going to die in the night from cardiac arrest.

Every ailment he has in my mind is cancer :(
If on one occasion he has high blood pressure or a slow pulse I start going into panic mode and having an anxiety attack...
I dunno how to stop feeling like this:weep:

paula lynne
12-09-10, 23:26
You love him, its normal...maybe talk to him. Would you consider a chat with a gp? this is obviously wearing you out worrying all the time, and lack of sleep isnt helping. Im sure he is on the right meds, and if there was a problem, he would be dealt with immediately. Please try not to see it all in "disaster" terms...ask him how he feels, and accept it when he says he feels ok. Best wishes xx:)