View Full Version : let myself down

13-09-10, 01:30
been doing ok lately ( to a degree) went out last night and got smashed and really disliking myself for it as iv had palpitations all day and still got them now. Im arguing with myself as to whether its caused by alcohol or im going to be seriously ill....im being rational but these bloody thoughts wont go away....... i wont be drinking for a while thats for sure

13-09-10, 08:59
Hey don't worry we've all done it! I still get wasted occasionally cuz I don't like my anxiety stopping me from doing stuff, just not as much as I used to cuz yep, the hangover gives me missed beats/palpitations etc too! Most people feel anxious and upset aswell as generally ill with a hangover, it's what alchohol does unfortunatley! Reminding myself of that is what gets me through my hangovers, well lol that and sleeping a lot! :D

I hope you're feeling loads better today and the nasty thoughts are gone! xx

13-09-10, 12:34
Totally been there buddy. I love having a fair few pints and anxiety shouldn't stop any of us doing what we enjoy. I remember getting 'normal' hangovers when i first started drinking, but as I got older (I'm 36 by the way), and panic/anxiety was an issue, I definitely noticed my hangovers were different and worse. Got the palps, increased anxiety, thinking too much about things, self loathing, guilt, feeling worthless, etc etc... I'm sure you know what I mean.
Even once, when I was feeling the palps and thought I was going to die, due to excess alcohol intake the night before, I rang my parents to say my goodbyes.... which was a terrible thing to do, but it was so extreme. Now I realise it was just how my mind/body was working to produce these sensations.....

Since then I cut all hard booze out completely, no spirits, no GOD AWFUL REDBULL, very little wine - I stick just to beer when there is a big session on. On occaision I still sometimes get the palps, and vow never to drink again..... but I do after all the sensations have gone - when I kinda forget how bad hangovers can be.

For today there is no quick magic fix buddy.... ride it out! I recommend no spirits in your big sessions, and get into your bed tonight knowing that you are safe; you've done nothing wrong, you are normal - you are just like most other normal people... including me.

I understand that it is a horrible feeling and even scarey, but stay calm and know that you are coming to no harm, when the hangover passes you will be better

13-09-10, 14:50
Thanks guys it is a comfort knowing im not on my own, I do feel a lot better today- I may leave it until christmas until I have another beer.........