View Full Version : Got My Results

13-09-10, 04:24
Hi Guys

Well I just rang the doctors to see if my CT head scan results were in. I spoke with the receptionist, she said the doctor had seen them and written 'Normal Study' but had said that she wanted to see me to chat about them. Now i'm petrified. If it said normal study why on earth would she want to chat to me :ohmy:. The worst thing is I can't get in with her for two weeks so now I have two weeks to worry about it.


13-09-10, 05:23
Hey Tracey,

If the results are normal then your doctor will only want to talk with you to discuss these results and what they mean for you :) She knows about your anxiety so ti is important for her to go through the results with you so you don't worry about them more. I had a CT too for depersonalisation and numbness in my face. Even thought eh results came back completely normal my doctor still requested to see me to talk about them. We just went through all of the results and talked about anxiety as being the cause of my symptoms because the CT had ruled everything else out :) My doctor is also a very busy lady, it takes me up to 2 weeks to get in too! Just keep calm and relaxed. If there was anything even slightly bad in the results she would see you in the next day to discuss them :)

13-09-10, 05:24
Hope that makes you feel a bit better! I understand exactly how you feel! :)

13-09-10, 06:49
Hi Amiee

Thankyou so much, you're a star :hugs:. That has made me feel better. I don't know why I always have to jump to conclusions and panic. I will try and just forget about it till I go. Like you said, if it was something terribly wrong etc she would have asked to see me straight away. Thankyou so much for replying to me and take care.


blue moon
13-09-10, 07:26
Hi Tracy.Amiee is right,if it was bad she would get you back straight away.Doctors ask to see you so they gey more money from you,unless they bulk bill and there is not many that do.Take care and no more worrying.
Love Petra x:flowers:

13-09-10, 08:07
Hi Petra, thankyou so much for your reply. Gosh I don't know whats wrong with me today i'm feeling sorry for myself, i'm being so whimpy. You are so right in what you say and deep down i know that. I will go home, have a nice relaxing bubble bath and chill. :yesyes:

Thankyou so much guys, you're stars

luv Tracy

13-09-10, 08:10
We all jump to conclusions and panic, and usually it's the most unlikely and irrational conclusions, we just can't stop ourselves :) At least we can't say our lives are boring! Glad that I could help out :) You take care too!