View Full Version : chest pain again

13-09-10, 09:12
hi everyone, i have not posted on forum for a while but this past few days i have been getting chest pains again. upper chest which comes and goes and lasts for a few seconds it feels like pressure, also stomach discomfort and bloating. i have had a bad week last week cos was trying to come off sertraline and thought stupidly i could do it at once i know different now, ok for 3 days then bang really bad anxiety/panic attacks again and chest pain. chest does hurt when i prod it and across shoulders so i think it probably is muscle but i am sitting here at work convincing myself there is something majorly wrong with me. i have aslo been eating a whole load of rubbish, sweet fatty foods over the past few weeks does any one thing that that might be contributing. any reassurance welcome. sorry about the ramble:)

13-09-10, 09:18
Sounds like a mixture of muscle tension and...ohh I don't know the word!! But I get it too! It's an indigestion type thing which causes chest pain, stomach discomfort. bloating etc. Might actually be indegestion lol :wacko:.

Sorry I'm confusing I know. If its at the top of your chest, like just under your throat and above your breasts it sounds indegestiony type chest pain to me. My sister went to the doctor with it the other day and he said it was indigestion! I'm not a doctor though (as you probably can tell :D) so for 100% reassurance you could pop and see your doc just for peace of mind! Hope you feel better soon! xxx

13-09-10, 09:25
OK. Let's look at this logically.

Chest pain as you know is common in anxiety and, as sufferers we will panic at the first sign. Therefore, the chest muscles will tense, which in turn produces more anx.

Stomach bloating, discomfort etc., again anxiety issues, perhaps a touch of IBS?

Coming off the meds, as you have discovered was an adventure and maybe not a good idea at this point in time.

Finally, perhaps your recent diet may have some influence on your current problem, maybe but not sure.

However, as you say, you are sitting at work, So therefore, you have already overcome the first battle by getting there in the first place! Also, don't forget that most of us have bad posture when sitting for long periods so the muscles in our back and chest will suffer!

13-09-10, 09:41
thanks for the reply guys i know everything you are saying is true and very logical but as we all know sometimes it is hard to be logical in our minds. your right the day can't be as bad as i have made it to work but to be honest part of that is that i have had so much sick time this year already and our jobs are at risk i feel i have to be in but it is probably for the best anyway. i know deep down this will pass again it always does. keep well both of you and thanks for the replies. x:)

13-09-10, 11:06
It seem some logical symptoms you have to occurred, I think if you can smoking to after that it can possible otherwise tension or something bad thinking you.