View Full Version : Please help... Anxiety over heart again

Natalie x
13-09-10, 09:55
Hi. This morning when i was getting ready for work, i was leaning over and all of a sudden i felt my heart racing for like 2 seconds. I felt my heart after it and it was beating as normal. Im not sure whether it was just like a pulse, you know how like sometimes you can have a pulse in your arm or leg and it feels like its throbbing? All the way to work i was panicking and i've had a tight feeling in my arm. Im so scared that its a heart attack. Please help! Thanks x

paula lynne
13-09-10, 09:59
Hiya...Im sure you felt worried after that happened, I get them evry day those funny or unexpected beats. It can be worse if you are stressed. Try to put in out of your mind, I know this isnt easy. I hope you are feeling better now. xx:winks:

13-09-10, 10:00
I get this all the time! I sometimes get a big missed beat when I lean over too, like I've just managed to squish my own heart or something. Really terrifies me! The fact that you're panicking and have been since that happend is probably making your arm go tight. My left arm goes tight and ouchie when I panic which makes me even worse as pretty much all my anx is over my heart. I think it's cuz I tense it though, you're probably tensing yours too. I don't think it's a heart attack. You sound exactly like me when I get a mini panic to be honest! xx

Natalie x
13-09-10, 10:22
Hi guys. Thanks for your replies. Hopefully it will pass soon x