View Full Version : Anxiety relapse, obsession, cigarettes, going on holiday...can't cope

13-09-10, 10:49
I’m really suffering at the moment, and don’t know how to cope. I’ve had “bad patches” of anxiety over the past few years, but recently it’s become worse than ever. At least in the past I could get a decent night’s sleep, but now I’m waking up at 3am, 5am, and the panic sets in.

Basically, my worst ever patch of anxiety came a few months ago, when I tried to stop smoking. This just made me want to smoke more than ever, and my cigarette intake skyrocketed. I had frequent panic attacks and just wanted to die. I couldn’t even think about not smoking. I know it doesn’t relax me, but the fact is I get obsessed with it. My doctor prescribed me a short dose of diazepam, which I took for a wee while. I’ve been seeing a therapist, and really thought I was getting somewhere.

I was doing well for a good while, not out of the woods, but I had reduced my cigarette intake massively, and could go 3 days a week without smoking. Just last week, I decided to try and go for an extra day not smoking, and the panic has just blasted me. I can’t even get back to where I was before – only smoking a few, a few days a week. I fall asleep OK, but then wake horribly early and the only thing on my mind is where that next cigarette is coming from. I hate feeling like this. I keep a thought record (advised by my therapist), and try breathing exercises, rescue remedy, camomile tea, but nothing works. I wish this obsession with cigarettes would just trail off again.

I’m terrified because I’m going on holiday with my boyfriend next week and I can’t stand the thought of it being ruined. We’ve both worked so hard to pay for it. People say, just relax and enjoy it, but I worry I won’t be able to and it’ll put immense pressure on our relationship. I never smoke around him – he hates it, and his mum was ill because of smoking. In the past I wouldn’t have minded a smoke-free week, but right now I’m terrified that I won’t be fit to do that. I just want to get back to the way I was, and I’m praying this bad patch will life before we go away. I just feel hopeless. I’m staying with my parents right now, and at 3am, I went and climbed into bed with my mum, like a child.

Sorry, I just needed to say this. If anyone has any similar experiences, I’d like to hear about them.

margaret jones
13-09-10, 10:59
Jenny you poor thing to be feeling so poorly and the smoking seems to be your main stress problem , when i gave up everything seemed to be focused around smoking like you i was always thinking about my next smoke or not smoking I was the same when I started my diet food and the next thing to eat was my big problem , so i would say that it is normal to feel like that about trying to stop a addiction like nicotine is .
Have you had any help with nicotine patches etc ??
Easy to say I no but to just go with it and dont beat yourself up abput wanting to smoke or not .
Where are you going for your holiday ? I am flying for the first time in 5 yrs at end Sept not sure about it but trying not to think about it .
Hope you are soon feeling more at ease and in control of things
Take Care Maggie xxxx

13-09-10, 11:04
Hi Maggie,

Thank you for replying to my post. It's good to know I'm not alone.
Same as last time, I've decided to not even try to give up smoking right now...I am really only a light smoker, but I always get worse in anxious times. I just want to get back to smoking lightly as i normally would, and being able to go a few days without it. I think right now it's just fear of these symptoms, the panic and insomia whch are causing me trouble.

I'm away to Paris next Saturday. We've planned it for so long, and I don't want to dread it. Where are you off to, Maggie? I hope the flying goes OK...I used to have problems with that, but they did ease off with time, I can tell you. I didn't fly for a while and found that when I got back on a plane, I'd been making it a much bigger deal in my head than it actually was, and I was OK. I hope it's the same for you.

margaret jones
13-09-10, 12:59
Jenny have a great time in Paris o la la I am going to Futerventura with my 2 grown up daughters for a 5 day break the younger daughter has split with her hubby after 22yrs so we are hoping it will be good for us all to have a girls only time .

Maybe 1 2mg valium before I fly ??? not sure but will have some in bag in case x

Hope you feel better soon Jenny and enjoy your holiday xxx

13-09-10, 13:27
Hi Maggie,

Quite right, girls' only time is the best. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's breakup...I'm sure she'll have a lovely time with her mum and sister there to cheer her up, though. Sounds like you all deserve a lovely break.
Maybe a little valium for the flight wouldn't hurt. A lot of folk I know who otherwise don't have any anxiety problems take it before flying. It's not too long a flight there, is it? You've just got that daft wee flight to get past and then you'll be on holiday! I used to have a wee G+T, but those airport bar prices did put me off!

Hope you have a fantastic time, and thanks for your kind words. :) xxx

margaret jones
13-09-10, 16:03
Jenny thanks for your good wishes the G/T sounds good but flight at 6.30am a bit early even for me who by the way loves G/T will be sampling them on holiday .

Chin up Jenny and enjoy your holiday xxx :hugs: xxxx

14-09-10, 10:05
Hi Jenny,

Sorry that you're having a rough time. I can totally relate to your anxiety about your holiday. I was only thinking (worrying) this morning about my holiday next August and how it might be ruined by my anxiety. In the past I've been really bad with my anxiety and had to seek help whilst abroad. I didn't go away this year but last year my anxiety flared up and I'm worried the same will happen next year. It's not an anxiety aout anything in particular - just an anxiety about feeling anxious & not wanting te holiday to be spoiled. The best that I can advise is to study the information on this website - print it off & take it with you so that you can coach yourself whilst you're away if needed. Try to relax & keep busy and this will hopefully keep your mind off your anxiety.
As for the smoking, it might be best to give up when you're feeling a bit stronger. I gave up smoking over a year ago (May 09). I really missed it when my anxiety flared up a few weeks ago as smoking was always a great comfort to me when I was having an "episode". I was so tempted to start again temporarily but resisted the urge & am glad I did as I am feeling a bit better & more able to cope. Don't beat yourself up about it. Your mental health is more important at the moment.
Have a chat with your boyfriend & explain about how you're feeling. I'm sure that he'll be supportive.

Take care
