View Full Version : Fasting Blood test

13-09-10, 10:49
As well as having anxiety and agoraphobia I have a fear of needles / blood and should have had a fasting cholesterol test since last week.
I have to eat little and often during the day to control low blood sugar symptoms and this test is causing me much anxiety due to the fasting and also the thought of a needle is making me feel nauseous.
I can't put it off for much longer, please help as this fear is dominating every waking moment by now and making me so depressed.
Would welcome any advice as to how to cope.
I should mention that this test will be done at home as i can't get to the Dr's surgery because of agoraphobia therefore the nurse will not be early arriving, I asked last week and was told more than likely it'll be around 9.30 to 10 am, going without food for this long is making me so anxious.

13-09-10, 10:53
Hi there

My best advice is to focus on the thought that the test will only actually take a few seconds.

Also, make sure that you eat right before the fast period beings, therefore if you have to start fasting from 9.00, then have a snack then so that you're not going for longer than you need to without food. Make sure you've got something in the house you can have right after the test's done, even if it's fruit or toast; it'll get your blood sugar back up quickly.

13-09-10, 11:00
Thanks blueangel, the anticipation anxiety is awful : (
I guess the sooner I get it over and done with, the better but I'm having real difficulty picking up the phone and telling the nurse when I'm going to take the test.

13-09-10, 11:07
Stuck, you will feel so much better once you get this over and off your mind. I've had it twice and was very anxious about having to drive to the surgery without having eaten - but I was ok. Take blueangel's advice and also remember you will be in the safety of your home. Don't over-exert yourself when you get up on the morning of the test. Courage! x

13-09-10, 11:14
Thanks JaneC,
I'm sure I'll be fine once it's over and done with but I just can't bring myself to set a date for it.
The thought of it is making me feel nauseous, do you think I should mention it to the nurse about the sight of the needle / blood.
This phobia began after a blood transfusion 25 yrs ago.

13-09-10, 12:14
I actually had this done last weeks and get my results tomorrow from my doc. I too experience low blood sugar and i feel better when i eat small amounts throughout the day especially first thing in morning. I was anxious and weak feeling the next morning after fasting all night and did not set well with me either, not a fan of needles myself as i always have to look away when having my blood drawn.

I just thought to myself well this is another test that i want to have done to cancel out another bad health anxiety thought so thats what gave me the motivation to go thru with it.

13-09-10, 14:52
Hi, I had this test done back in April. I am also needlephobic and got very anxious. I explained to the nurse who said ok, I will use a very fine needle. One they use for children. I even watched her do the test, felt absolutely nothing.

13-09-10, 15:51
Im phobic of all medical things (I feel faint even in a medical environment let alone them coming near me with anything!). I recently had to have my first ever blood test and imagined all sorts, but it really doesnt hurt no more than a scratch, and it didnt take long at all, less than 2 mins, and once the needle was initially in I felt nothing. I looked away when they were doing it and the nurse kept up a conversation the whole way through to distract me because she knew how scared I was.

There also a numbing cream you can ask for which you apply to the area where you're going to have the needle about an hour before which may help you. Think its called emla cream. You could maybe give them a ring in advance and see if you can get some from them and then apply it before you go.