View Full Version : Wisdom tooth, gums and lots of fear!

13-09-10, 11:58
Hi guys,

I'm going crazy worrying about my mouth!! After being extremely lazy with my oral hygeine for the last couple of years I decided to turn over a new leaf and get everything sparkling again! I was doing really well - brushing twice a day with the electric toothbrush and flossing before bed. My gums are so much better, they no longer bleed when I brush and only bleed a little when I floss in a few areas. Also the gums look nice and pink and firm again :)

BUT...now my wisdom tooth has started playing up...It is about half way through but has grown slightly wonky and looks like it's too close to my cheek. The gum around the tooth is a bit puffy and hurts if I press and lastnight it was aching loads and I had some sharp pains. I spent about an hour crying with worry...thank goodness my boyfriend was there to confort me. I took some paracetamol and it is much better this morning. However, now there are some slightly swollen sore places around my back teeth at the top...I've noticed that this happens from time to time especially when I'm stressed but I'm so focused in on my mouth at the moment that it has scared me more than usual :(

I have rung the dentist who told me to use hot salt water rinses until I can see her next week.

I hate having anything wrong with my mouth as I always think it means there's something worse going in in my system :( Can anyone give me any reassurance :( Have been freaking out as usual. I'm so so sick of feeling so anxious. I'm fed up. I just want to be normal again.

Moonlight X

paula lynne
13-09-10, 12:05
Hiya...I understand your fears...hopefully your dentist will advise on either keeping the wisdom tooth, or removing it if it will keep causing you problems. I know this is a scary prospect, but the best option if it is going to keep causing you problems time and time again. I think dentists can give you a mild sedative if your anxiety is particularly troublesome. Hope you are better soon xx:hugs:

13-09-10, 14:18
Ive just been to the emergency dentist. He says I have blisters on the back gums at the top which could be due to hot or sharp foods. He looked at my wisdom tooth and said there may be a slight infection but it doesn't look like anything much. I also had some xrays done and he said it all looked fine. Still freaking out a bit but feel a little better. I'm going back next week for a check up but until then he told me to use corsodyl mouthwash.

Moonlight xxx

13-09-10, 15:23

I had (well still have) a very similar thing happening. My gum at the very back at the bottom puffed right up so much I couldnt close my mouth properly without actually biting the gum with my top teeth, it was just where last wisdom tooth would come through. It was painful, more so if I pressed the swelling with my finger or when I ate and felt kind of sqidgy but solid in places. It kind of got a yellow head on it after a day or two and then went down. It came back up the following week and then went down after getting a head or blister type of thing on it again. This time the blister kind of popped and my gum tore open in two places (this didnt hurt it just left to small tears which in themself also dont hurt and my dentist said is nothing to worry about). My dentist thinks my wisdom tooth may be coming through very slowly, apparently whenever they move even very slightly they can cause things like this to happen. Also, he seemed to think that small infections like the yellow head that would form were normal provided they would go away on their own and only come every now and again. Apparently all this can happen when theres nothing wrong with the wisdom tooth or the way its trying to come through. My dentist said the tooth can move ever so slightly and even stop altogether for up to years and years. This seems to be whats happened to me now, occasionally the area will be a tiny bit tender but after the initial swellings over those first few weeks hasnt happened again. They avoid taking them out unless they really have to. My dentist said they would wait and only bother to do anything with them if the pain and swelling got to be constant or they notice they are in an odd position that would top them coming through or that would push other teeth out of alignment.

Corsodyl is really good at stopping infections, I had an operation on my mouth to remove quite alot of excess gum and corsodyl worked great in stopping anything getting infected.

Fly away Katie
13-09-10, 16:28
Hello love, I had similar problems to you. And they removed my wisdom teeth... (which wasnt too bad) And then they took out 4 more, which was a bit :( But I wouldnt worrie about it hun, they may not have to take them out x x x x x

13-09-10, 18:03
I just got so scared that I went to a walk-in centre :( I had to wait an hour and when I got to see someone she seemed really tired and a bit distracted :( I told her about my anxiety and she said I should go back to my Doctor and that by 29 the anxiety should have gone away. Then she had a look at my mouth and said the blisters looked like cold sores in my mouth. Why couldn't I have just gone to the dentist and left it at that? :(
