View Full Version : Helppppppppppppp

13-09-10, 13:50
I am flying on thursday and everything is happening and i dont no what to do

trembling inside, pains in left cheek, extreme sweating, then cold, chest pains, shooting pains in fingers which is absolutely agonising etc

is this all panic attacks or something more sinister as i have flown mnay many times

paula lynne
13-09-10, 13:53
sounds like panic and anxiety. Please get a paper bag, sit down, and try breathing slowly in and out for 10 seconds, then take bag away for a min. repeat. You are having a reaction that is normal to flying, even though its not happened to you before, I promise lots of people get it. Before the flight, try bach rescue remedy, and take your paper bag. Anxiety will peak, then subside, so I hope you already feel better now x:hugs:

13-09-10, 13:54
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - i think, but obviously not qualified but it is anxiety led...oh my love....maybe go to the docs to see if they prescribe anything for short relief.

but do i think get it checked out and you can relieve your mind and hopefully then you can have a really good flight xxxxx

13-09-10, 14:39
i have diazapem , Kalms & rescue remedy but no effect as have been on them for years for anxiety but have been free for quite a while now until 3 months ago

paula lynne
13-09-10, 14:49
What dose is your diaz?

13-09-10, 15:46
2mg every 4 hrs

13-09-10, 16:09
i would speak with ur gp they i am sure will be able to help xxxx thinking of you xxxxx and please let us know how u get on - u already have the diaz so they hopefully can come up with something for you xxxx

13-09-10, 16:26
You have to WANT to do it. I know it is scary. is there anything that will motivate you?
for me it was not letting my friend down, I know it might be a little silly but it did help me get on the plane.
I also find reading fear of flying books help as it reinforces positive associations with planes, so as how safe the plane is.

definitely ask your doctor for a sedative maybe your not used to, and take one a few days before if your worried about how drowsy it will make you.

how long is your flight?

also the plane staff are trained to deal with nervous passengers! so it's their job to help you feel more at ease.

13-09-10, 16:29
the flight is 4 hours

i cant not go as i am moving to spain (eek) so moving & flying in one week is stressful enough

i have just caved in and poured myself a beer , not a good idea but i will get last things done now and worry and panic again tomorrow and wednesday before the 7am flight thursday

Dr's app 2moro so will see what he says

13-09-10, 16:33
im so pleased that you have made the appointment xxxxx

so you are moving to spain...all the very best xxxx

15-09-10, 10:00
appointment went ok

but still on 2mg diazapem but he gave me more than normal as i didnt want 5mg tablets

wasnt concerned about anything i told him, said he imagined it was just nerves

paula lynne
15-09-10, 13:28
mmm your gp could do with some lessons in inter-personal skills.:mad: ok, you fly tomorrow right? use your regular meds, and please try the re-breathe tech into paper bag. Lavender on your palm helps too. If you feel you can cut down on the diaz for the rest of today, when you take them tomorrow, they should have a better effect on calming you. All the very best xxxx:hugs:

15-09-10, 13:41
thanks paula

My dr was great - basically just said it ws my anxiety

Am sitting now with my whole body shaking, sweaty palms, nausea, chest pains, lower leg pains and all the rest. I had convinced myself i had a blood clot in my leg and he touched it and mad me do certain things and said there was no signs of any clot going on

think i was paranoid after going back on the contraceptive pill at 36

Did my BP and it was 144/89, 125/83 & 157/88 :wacko: and pulse was anything between 80 & 97

My husband is also a nervous flyer which doest help me (

We fly with easyjet which dont allocate seats which is also a worry as i must sit near the front

paula lynne
15-09-10, 13:50
ok so your in a state of high anxiety at the moment. Use your paper bag or whatever. Listen, your bp was up a bit, it was the situation you were in at the time. It was your anxiety reacting to being at the doc. Ive just gone back on the mini-pill at 39 for my oestrogen dominance, and like you, and leg pain I get I think its a dvt etc...please believe me all this is you feeding your anx. It feeds on negative thoughts. After you feel a bit better, get up and potter around the house, put music on, call a friend, watch a film..anything but concentrate on how your body is acting up. I feel for you love, I really do. Get a paper bag right now. x:hugs:

15-09-10, 14:00
:hugs:thanks paula

i know it is all my anxiety and i just have to remind myself that nothing bad is going to happen or the pilot wouldnt go either!

just wish i hadnt sent my claire weekes books to my mums on monday - thought id kept one here to take on my move but in my stress of packing i sent it too:blush:

paula lynne
15-09-10, 14:05
Is there any way you could get some claire weekes stuff printed from the internet, or maybe some other positive stuff? susan jeffers is good..x:winks:

15-09-10, 14:11
i know - everything went to my parents house to be stored until we either get an address in spain and have it shipped there or move back to the UK so the printer has also gone - just got my suitcases and our laptops

paula lynne
15-09-10, 14:22
ok..get some paper and write down everything you can remeber that has a positive effect on you. Even if its not in order, even if it doesnt make sense, write it down, read it before you get on the plane. Oh my, what wonderful new adventures await you....youre already doing it, making progress. xx keep in touch xx:hugs::bighug1:

19-09-10, 12:11
got here though ir was hard

panic attacks still really bad and dunno what to do now as it is expensive here for a appointment

I did have alot of alcohol in the last 3 days and i was sick and brough up a little bllod and now i dont know what ha caused the blood in my vomit :(