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13-09-10, 15:07
hey there im new to this wud like to say hi to all of you!
ive been suffering from anxiety for around 8 months now and its terrible. since then ive 'had' lung cancer,ovrian cancer,bowel cancer, brain tumor etc etc its a living hell to say the least. was at my docs numerous of times!!!! argh!!! was getting slightly better until bout two weeks ago, i was eating some spicy foods and it caused mouth sores and few blisters in me mouth which of course i was like oh my god mouth cancer!!! they finally went away and was looking up at the top of my mouth and noticed beside my back teeth near the front on the hard palet patches of white hard spots im really worried about this and dont know how long i have it for they cause no pain at all! but i cnt stop looking at them and freaking the hell out, im imagining all sorts like theres lump in my throat and oh i can feel my teeth hurting. im going insane also have ear pain but dont know if this is related. :shrug: i have very good oral hygeine in general and im 24 iv had a few people look at it and say i need to take vit b. argh!!! anybody have a similar experience??

13-09-10, 15:32
I had this quite a while ago I found two slightly red areas and a slightly white area on the roof of my mouth and googled this and the fav explanation from google is to suggest its cancer as usual so I was scared too! I went to my dentist about this (dentists are best ppl to see with anything to dow ith the mouth rather than the doc) and he had a look and said it was nothing at all, that it could be a rough patch of skin, where you've caught your mouth on something sharp or burnt it ever so slightly on something hot like you describe with the spicy food causing blisters. The white patches could just be areas where a slight burn/blister or scratch is healing. He also said that the mouth is always getting lots of odd little marks and that looking in the mirror at your mouth you're bound to find something you think looks unusual. Actual areas that are cancerous or pre-cancerous will more than likely be ulcertated or look very broken out and severe. I know that when I thought I ahd something wrong in my mouth I couldnt stop going to the area with my tongue which did make the area kind of sore for me by my own causing and that I made my whole mouth and throat ache with sheer worry for that area.

Mouth cancer is very very rare in young people, even if you smoke and drink, as it takes time for the effects of smoking and drinking to impact in this way. If you're still worried mention them to your dentist and im sure he/she will be happy to have a look.My dentist is lovely and didnt make me feel silly at all.

13-09-10, 15:40
thanks for ure prompt reply :) feel much better now knowing i wasnt alone! oh god its terrible,constant looking and rooting around and monitoring the area so frustrating to say the least! also im making my throat and face ache worrying about it and i know rationally its prob all in my mind as everything else i 'had' went away. ill give it another week and ill see my dentist then if it isnt shifting or getting any better. yeah i googled aswel and cancer came up how typical!!!! grrrrrr. im obsessed with it. i dont smoke and drink only occassionaly. :D

13-09-10, 16:04
I know the feeling I made my mouth ache so much, looking from every angle in the mirror, try not to keep checking as much as you can, I think I remember did it so much I made my jaw start to click over those few weeks, oops :-)

13-09-10, 16:05
I've always had a yellow coating that forms on my tongue but never thought anything of it until I looked down my throat the other day and realised I have lots of little white spots on the back of my tongue that I can just about see. Does anybody have any idea what this could be?

13-09-10, 16:08
I have a white.yellow coating on my tongue too and apparently this is normal too (verrified by my dentist), so if its white spots at the very back of tngue it could just be a bit of this....

13-09-10, 16:31
I'm gonna tell my doc anyway and get him to take a look just in case its something like oral thrush (which I'm scared of cos it can be a sign of hiv or weakened immune system ) :/

13-09-10, 16:53
yep defo gunna give myself a break from checking! :shades: easier said than done tho lol. those white things on back of your tongue i have em aswel they are very normal not a case of thrush i dont think. oh the paranoia is unreal these days with me and i was going so good!!! :lac:

13-09-10, 16:55
You have the white dots on the back of your tongue? Sort of like on the part where it's nearly not visable where it's leading into the throat?
Ahh my paranoia is crazyyy, I think I've got everything :|

13-09-10, 17:05
yes, i just checked there lol :D tell me about it! these things wud actually drive ya pure crazy!!! arghhh.

17-09-10, 10:25
I'm EXACTLY the same. I have some sores in my mouth at the moment (have done for a few days) and have been prodding them about. I have been obsessively looking at my mouth in the mirror for the last couple of months and I terrify myself daily! I'm so sick of this. I'm constantly in tears :(