View Full Version : Hi everyone

13-09-10, 15:41
I wish i could chat or talk to someone. I have such horrible anxiety, I feel like I have lost all control in my life- I am tired all the time, I don't sleep well, sometimes it feels like my heart is racing too fast and I start freaking out. I spend so much time in my bed, normal things such as going to the bathroom and eating cause me such anxiety with my heart beating fast, feeling light headed. It feels like my world is shrinking. I stay at home with my 19 month old son, and I feel so alone. My wife works until 4 or so and it seems like I am just hanging on until she comes home. When I talk to a friend on the phone I feel better, but I know I cant talk all the time to people. I have really bad social anxiety even when I meet my parents I hyperventilate or feel like I am going to pass out. I want to be a better parent and husband but it seems so hard to just FUNCTION. I don't know what is wrong with me. Thanks for reading.

13-09-10, 15:42
Hi Jonah

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Fly away Katie
13-09-10, 16:24
Hello love and welcome to NMP x x x

13-09-10, 20:34
Thank you for your reply Katie :)

Vanilla Sky
13-09-10, 21:41
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
13-09-10, 22:39
Hi Jonah and welcome:welcome: You are not alone, please read the sections on panic attacks and anxiety in the left column. I hope you feel better soon, youll find lots of like-minded individuals here. x Best wishes x:)

14-09-10, 12:57
Thank you both Paige and Paula Lynne, it means alot to know I am not alone.

paula lynne
14-09-10, 13:04
Hi Jonah, how are you today? x:)

14-09-10, 13:23
Hi Paige :)

I am doing ok, you? Some days I feel so overwhelmed, it has started to affect me. I wonder if this panic disorder is a control issue- so many things in my life I have no control over, leading to anxiety and panic.
I love your signature.

paula lynne
14-09-10, 13:26
Hi Jonah...not sure if you replied to me or paige? I just sent you your last message!? :)

14-09-10, 13:28
Arg! I messed that one up. Sorry Paula :( I meant it for you.

paula lynne
14-09-10, 13:44
Hi (again!) I can recommend the threads on here for panic and anxiety Jonah, have you read it? Ive had agoraphobia and panic for 19 years, I just re-read the threads myself, to reassure myself of why certain things happen, and how they make our body and brain do the crazy stuff it does....Take it one day at a time....you are not alone i promise..keep going. x:)

14-09-10, 13:51
This site has helped me a lot. I find myself reading/re reading many threads. One thing that haws helped was the suggestion to but a numerical value on my current state of panic, and lower it as it gets better. For some reason this helps me calm down if I know I am at a 7, then a 4 then a 2 ect..

my social anxiety is the worst. I can't see friends or family with out extreme panic- even hyperventilation. it is so embarrassing. It makes me not want to go anywhere or see anyone, which I know is not a good thing. I hope making friends here is a positive step.

paula lynne
14-09-10, 13:57
Its a positive step I promise...if the number thing works for you , keep it up. Take each day as it comes..( corny but true)..Im sure your family and friends love you unconditionally, so try not to concentrate too much on that, they love you, end of. I find lavender really good, and re-breathing into my paper bag really helps with breathing. Small steps with group situations is the way forward. Although scary, take the chance..believe in yourself..you are stronger than you know xx:winks:

14-09-10, 14:20
thank you Paula Lynne :)

Hazel B
14-09-10, 14:53
Jonah, are you having any help with this? I have anxiety after a series of awful events then a health scare. I really thought I was coping on my own but when my pulse had been over 100bpm for a couple of weeks, I went to my doctor and begged for help. It was one of the hardest things I ever did but I am so glad. I now have some temporary meds and am seeing a counsellor to help release all my inner demons.
Everyone is different with treatment but I just hope you have a kind doctor who is helping.
Take care.

14-09-10, 15:01
I am not having help with it yet, I am so nervous to even go to a doctor. I have trouble just leaving the house most times. :weep: I check my pulse too often and everytime I am afraid it is racing too fast and something might happen to me. it's just awful. I try excercising but I dont like how fast and hard my pulse becomes, I am afraid it wont slow down. I have a family friend who is doctor and my family wants me to get some meds from him but I am afraid of what the meds might do to me. I know this sounds so silly, but to me it something real and scary.

Hazel B
14-09-10, 15:10
It does not sound silly, it's part of anxiety. I understand, I was scared to take meds too but the ones I have calmed my pulse.
Could you ask the family friend who is a doctor to visit you at home and talk to you? You could tell them/show them what you have put on the forum and talk it through, there are many treatments and not all chemical. That could be a start for you to feel less isolated? All the people on the forum really care, but most of us are not medics.

14-09-10, 17:05
Thank you Hazel B, I am trying to get up the courage to ask for help.

Hazel B
14-09-10, 17:48
Please do, it may be the hardest and bravest thing you ever did. Surely things could not get worse, that's how I felt, I was wretched with grief and a racing mind and heartbeat and thought, this has to stop, I am the only one who can do this, but I need help to get me over the worst.

Hazel B
15-09-10, 20:05
How are you today?