View Full Version : Oral thrush

13-09-10, 16:33
has anybody had this?
I'm scared that I might have it and I'm thinking all sorts of things from HIV to weakened immune system due to other things.
I've always had a sort of yellow coating on my tongue that brushes off, my friends and family all said it's just bacteria or just dirt collecting on the tongue but the other day I shone a light down my throat and I can see that at the back of my tongue on either side (nearly so far back that I can't see it) there are white spots, I'm scared that these are leading down my throat because I do get a lot of sore throats and my throat also feels quite hot and bothered a lot.
Can anybody reassure me or does anybody have any knowledge?

13-09-10, 16:38
I've got some strepsils left over from when I had a sore throat so I've just started on one of those because they can apparantly help bacteria and throat problems but I know they won't get rid of it if it is thrush.

13-09-10, 16:58
I'm also a smoker if this makes any difference?

13-09-10, 18:50
Have you taken antibiotics recently? Thrush is only a flag for HIV if you keep getting it and can never shift it.
Smoking will give you an increased risk of thrush.
You can get a creame from your pharmacist for oral thrush. I would go to your gp or talk to the pharmacist first though :)

13-09-10, 18:53
Well I've had it for as long as I can remember checking (about 2 years, the yellow tongue that comes on anyway) but I've only just noticed these white specks.
No I've not taken antibiotics :| I don't know what it is really, I was gonna order the cream/gel from boots but it says apply to the area and I can't reach that far back down my mouth :/ Idk what it is hmm.

13-09-10, 18:58
The yellow tongue is probably due to smoking. Oral thrush usually looks like big white patches (rather than white specks) all over the back of the throat and sides of mouth - it's very noticeable if you just open your mouth.

13-09-10, 19:09
Hmm, well my friends both had glandular fever and I was sharing things with them and then one of them had quinzies, can glandular fever show up on the tongue?
My glands have been slightly up for a while also but the doc said nothing to worry about.

13-09-10, 23:31
Heya :)
I have a yellow coating from time to time. I've had it all day today and I think it's because I've drunk a lot of tea and it's stained my usually slightly white tongue. My mum's tongue always seems to be slightly yellow too. Also, I've seen a dentist and a nurse today (about my mouth blisters) and neither have mentioned my tongue. I think it's just one of those things. Thrush would be very noticeable and it brushes off and leaves sore places underneath. Xx

13-09-10, 23:37
P.S have a look at my 'mouth and throat' thread, a Doctor left a very helpful reply on there about oral thrush. X

13-09-10, 23:45
Those white spots are normal.
Oral thrush looks like curds of milk on the tongue, is often painful and if you scrape them off the tiongue is very red and sore underneath.
You should brush your tongue with the toothbrush when you clean your teeth - that will get rid of the yellow.

14-09-10, 01:22
The yellow crap on your tongue is absolutely caused by smoking but your tongue is constantly coated with saliva, it doesnt work if it is dry (ie you wont taste anything). Take one drag of a cigarette through a tissue and just look at the amount of muck you are inhaling. I am 5 weeks off the cigarettes and one of those annoying people who say if I can quit so can you, my tongue and further back was yellow not to mention the staining to my teeth, the receeding gums etc. Stop smoking and you'll soon lose the yellow tongue.