View Full Version : Re-introduction

13-09-10, 16:44
Hi Everyone,

Although I’ve been a member here for a number of years, I kinda drifted away for a few. Most of the regulars that were here back then don’t seem such frequent visitors now – which in one way is encouraging – so a bit of a re-introduction is perhaps called for.

I joined about 5 years ago and it was because of a very good friend. She was always telling me what a wonderful place this was and I was intrigued. I began to visit and read some of the posts, and some I felt I wanted to respond to, hence I signed up.

While I don’t suffer from the sort of debilitating panic and anxiety that many members do, I’ve always been a bit of a worrier – especially when it comes to doing new things and if it involves other people where I always feel there’s so much opportunity for looking foolish in some way. So I guess I fit into the social anxiety / low self esteem / lack of confidence category.

Several years ago I was going through a difficult spell and did something very silly. Don’t worry, it wasn’t dangerously silly – just childishly silly :blush:. However, I felt really bad about it, coupled with feelings that I’d done it so I should stick with it, and I never returned here.

Some rather sad circumstance gave me a reason to contact Nic (the Boss!) again, and I’ve since found myself spending a little more time here of late and replying to a few posts. Hope it has helped because I’m not a professional – just a person who does probably a little too much thinking about things myself.

The rest of the story about what brought me back here is in this thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=74478). Karen was my best friend :sad:

Maybe at some time it might help to start my own thread about it because I still find it hard at times. Dunno... it might help???

Anyway, “Hi everyone!” :byebye:


13-09-10, 17:04
Hello Nigel

I have really welcomed your supportive and kind words to me on the thread I started so I am so glad you are going to be staying around...and if I can return your help in any way, I would like to.

Thank you

13-09-10, 17:34
Thanks Agnes :)

And I’m glad something I wrote helped you. I’m lucky to still have Mum around, and I cannot imagine how I’d cope if she wasn’t. That’s why I felt so sad reading your words the other day.


13-09-10, 18:43
Welcome back Nigel - lovely to see you here after so long. Sorry it was because of Karen that we got in touch again though.

You always do lovely replies to people so it is great to see you back again

13-09-10, 19:45
Hi Nic,

Thanks for the welcome back, and thanks for saying I do ‘lovely replies’ :blush:

I know the ideas are mostly my own but I’m sure there’s a little bit of Karen in them too because I learnt so much from her, and in a way it helps to think that maybe a tiny part of her lives on and may help somebody else.

And I try to copy her lovely gentle way with words, but is doesn’t come naturally like it did with Karen. I have to work at it whereas she would just rattle her fingers over the keyboard and out would flow such lovely words.

Those that knew her and knew how much she never considered anything she did was good enough probably thought she spent ages editing her replies to get them sounding like that, but she didn’t. It all came straight from the heart, and she never even re-read any of it for typos. She always said that if she did she would think it was rubbish and delete it, so she simply typed it and pressed ‘send’. She was a very special person.

Take care,

paula lynne
13-09-10, 23:02
Welcome back nigel, Im new and just wanted to say its good having someone else in the team, and Im sure your stories and experiences will prove very helpful to a lot of us. :)

13-09-10, 23:16
Hi Nigel and :welcome:BACK .. Its nice of you to re introduce yourself .Look forward to reading your posts .Luv Sue :hugs:x

14-09-10, 14:50
Hi Paula Lynne,

Thanks, and a big (belated!) WELCOME to you too :)

And thanks Suzy-Sue for your ‘welcome back’ too :)
I do feel like a bit of a new member here again, hence a new introduction seemed the right thing to do.


07-12-10, 15:47
Hi Nigel,

It's been a long time since we last spoke. But I just wanted to say it's lovely to see you back here. Even if it has been due to some very sad circumstances :hugs:

You take care,


Vanilla Sky
07-12-10, 21:44
Welcome back Nigel :)
Paige xxx

08-12-10, 17:33
Hi Under~The~Stars,

Thanks. Yes, wish it was for different reasons but sometimes I feel it wasn’t entirely all my doing. I think somebody wanted me to return...

Hope all’s well with you. Is that a different username? Had to do some searching but I think I know now :winks:

You take care too :hugs:

08-12-10, 17:34
Thanks Paige.
It feels like home again now :D

08-12-10, 21:24
Hiya Nigel welcome back and thanks so much for you kind replies means so much tc