View Full Version : Blood pressure headaches and tiredness :(

13-09-10, 17:22
Hi there
please can someone put my mind at rest, I've been suffering from anxierty for a while now and it's making me feel really stressed I keep thinking that there is some thing seriously wrong with me after having a funny turn at work, the doc says it was a panic attack but it didn't feel like one. I had numerous ecgs that came back ok but now I have another symptom, I have been getting left sided headaches when I stand up so I went to the doctors today and she said I have a slightly higher blood pressure reading and wants to retest me and wants me to have a blood test, I feel really scared about it and I think it's going to be at least two weeks before I can find out the results. I've been feeling really tired lately and I just don't know whether it's all the anxierty I've been having or something health related? I just feel so worried please help x

13-09-10, 17:45
Well I get headaches a lot, tension headaches, migraine, it's horrible, I don't know what my blood pressure is or ever has been but I have had it taken at doctors a few times and they never said anything bad or about it.
Elevated blood pressure can be treated with propranolol I think?

13-09-10, 17:50
What does it mean if you have high blood pressure? Is it caused by stress? This is just turning into a never ending cycle how can you not get stressed with all these symtoms and tests? I really don't know how I'm going to be able to relax over the next few weeks :(

13-09-10, 17:53
I'm sure stress can make blood pressure rise yeah, I'm not really an expert on this sort of stuff though, some people just have high blood pressure and others have low blood pressure. I'm sure someone on here will be able to help.

13-09-10, 18:14
Did the GP say what your BP was?

A slightly high BP reading is no cause for alarm, and it maybe that you have white coat syndrome, where your BP rises in the GP's surgery.

Remember to ask what you BP is next time, as there are a few ranges.

But above all don't worry about your BP, a slightly high BP reading is no big issue, just means you might have to change some lifestyle choices, but the GP will advise.



13-09-10, 18:24
Hi there
I think it may have been 143 I'm not exactly sure, do you think it could have any connection to my head aches?

13-09-10, 18:54
I can't believe I used a phrase like lifestyle choices.

I would never attempt to diagnose anyone on here, but if your systolic reading (the upper reading) was 143, that is only borderline high. And unless your diastolic (bottom reading) was high, I would doubt a GP would be too concerned.

My BP goes high, and can hit 160/95 and even then, my GP is not concerned as it doesn't stay there all day and night.

Generally, BP doesn't cause any symptoms unless it's really high (WELL above 143) but headaches can be caused by anxiety and tension.

It may well be you are just having an anxiety symptom, so try not to worry until you hear back from your GP.



13-09-10, 18:59
Thank you for your reply, Im really finding it hard to get over this, if I'm not panicing about something Im feeling depressed, and if I'm not doing either of those I'm asleep. I just want to go back to normal :( the doctor did say it was only slightly high but anxierty is playing on overdrive at the minute I'm full of what ifs

13-09-10, 19:14
Have you seeked help for your anxiety? It maybe that you are wrapped up with the symptoms of anxiety and not the anxiety itself.

Health anxiety is one of the most common causes of the illness. Once you have got over the blood test scenerio (and I am sure you will be fine ::)), speak to your GP about futher help for the actual anxiety.

If you are keen on self-help methods too, try getting hold of a copy of Claire Weekes "hope and help for your nerves". It's a very good book for helping to lesson the fear of health anxiety amongst other anxiety's.



13-09-10, 19:26
Thank you for your help, I have been seeing a Councellor and my panic attacks have stopped but I am still worrying over my health, I don't feel as though the councelling is really making me feel better I often feel really depressed after sessions, I've just been worrying that I have a brain tumor or something, I've spent the last few months in and out of the doctors and a+e so it has been a traumatic time, I really don't want to go on meds as u have said I seem to be wrapped up in the physical symtoms of things it's taking over my life :(